Derive the discrete heat equation in one-dimension

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Reference no: EM131103673

Math 054 Partial Differential Equations - HW Assignment 1

1. Derive the discrete heat equation in one-dimension. Show all work.

2. Find δyδyu(x, y, z, t).

3. Below is a thin rod whose lateral surface has been insulated against the flow of heat. Insulating the lateral surface of the rod ensures that the heat flows axially along the rod, and if the rod is sufficiently thin, it is an acceptable approximation of reality to suppose that the temperature does not vary across the thickness of the rod. (This all means that we'll be using the 1D discrete heat equations).






Suppose that the rod is 5∈ units long. It is split up into 5 equal pieces, each ∈ units long. Each segment is labeled xn where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


tj = t0 + j(t1 - t0), ujn = u(xn, tj)   (1)

tj is the time step. (ex. t0 represents t0, t1 = t1 and so forth.)

ujn is the temperature of segment xn at time step tj. u32 is the temperature of segment x2 at time t3.

The 1D discrete heat equation is, u(xn, tj+1) = u(xn, tj) + β[u(xn-1, tj) - 2u(xn, tj) + u(xn+1, tj)].  (2)

Using (1), it can be written as

uj+1n = ujn + β[ujn-1 - 2ujn + ujn+1].                 (3)

You may use a computer program to compute the problems below but you must write the code. Include the code (and relevant work) with your solutions.

(a) Let β = .1, u01 = 1, u02 = 2, u03 = 3, u04 = 4, and u05 = 5. (Recognize this example???)

i. Using (3), compute u12, u13, and u14.

ii. Explain why you cannot use (3) to find u11 and u15.

iii. Suppose that the temperature at the ends (x1 and x5) are fixed. This means that uj1 = 1 and uj5 = 5 for all j. Compute ujn for n = 2, 3, 4 and j = 2, 3, 4, 5. What do you notice? Does this make sense? What is a physical interpretation for fixing the ends?

iv. Suppose that you had an infinite rod. What would you expect to happen over time? Why?

(b) Let β = .1, u01 = u05 = 0, u02 = u04 = 3, u03 = 5. Suppose that the temperature at the ends (x1 and x5) are fixed. Compute ujn for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. What do you notice? Does this make sense?

Reference no: EM131103673

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