Derive the conditional variance of the OLS estimator

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131666873


Q1. Consider a simple linear regression model without an intercept:

Y = βX + U, where Y, X, and U are n-vectors, and β is the unknown scalar regression coefficient. Assume that E (U|X) = 0 and E (UU'|X) = σ2In.

(a) Show that the OLS estimator of β is

βˆ = X'Y/X'X.

(b) Define Uˆ = Y - βXˆ. For each of the following statements, explain if it is true or false:

(i) E(UiXi) = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n.

(ii) EUi = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n.

(iii) i=1nUˆiXi = 0.

(iv) i=1nUˆi = 0.

(v) i=1nUiXi = 0.

(vi) i=1n Ui = 0.

(c) Find Var (βˆ|X).

(d) Consider the following estimator of β:

β˜ = Y¯/X¯,


Y¯ = 1/n i=1n Yi and X¯ = 1/n i=1nXi,

(assume that with probability one, X¯ ≠ 0). Is β˜ unbiased?

(e) Find Var (β˜|X).

(f) Without relying on the Gauss-Markov Theorem, show that β˜ is less efficient than βˆ. Hint: Using the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, show that

(i=1nXi)2 ≤ n i=1nXi2.

Q2. Suppose that Assumptions A1, A2, and A4 of the Classical Linear Regression model hold, i.e.

Y = Xβ + U, β ∈ Rk

E(U|X) = 0,

rank(X) = k,


E(UU'|X) = Ω,

where Ω is an n × n, positive definite and symmetric matrix, but different from σ2In.

(a) Derive the conditional variance (given X) of the OLS estimator βˆ = (X'X)-1X'Y.

(b) Derive the conditional variance (given X) of the GLS estimator β˜ = (X'Ω-1X)-1X'Ω-1Y.

(c) Without relying on the Gauss-Markov Theorem, show that

Var(βˆ|X) - Var(β˜|X) ≥ 0

(in the positive semi-definite sense). Hint: Show

(Var(β˜|X))-1 - (Var(βˆ| X))-1 ≥ 0

by showing that the expression on the left-hand side depends on a symmetric and idempotent matrix of the form In - H(H'H)-1H' for some n × k matrix H of rank k.

Q3. Consider the GLS estimator β˜ defined in the previous question.

(a) Show that β˜ satisfies U˜-1X = 0, where U˜ = Y - Xβ˜.

(b) Using the result in (a), show that the generalized squared distance function Q(b) = (Y - Xb)'Ω-1(Y - Xb) can be written as

Q(b) = U˜-1U˜ + (β˜ - b)'X'Ω-1X(β˜ - b).

(c) Using the result in (b), show that β˜ minimizes Q(b).

Need answers to question 2 and question 3. Lecture notes can be provided.

Reference no: EM131666873

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