Derive the conditional distribution function

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131037324

Let X be a random variable defined as the sum of N independent Bernoulli trials in which the probability of each Bernoulli taking the value 1 is given by p. The number of Bernoulli trials N is itself a random variable that behaves according to a Poisson distribution function with the parameter.

(a) Derive the conditional distribution function of X given N = n and state your reasoning behind your derivation.

(b) Derive the joint distribution function of X and N and state your reasoning behind your derivation.

(c) Without explicitly calculating it, what would you expect the correlation coecient between X and N to be? (i.e. negative? zero? positive?) Mark sure to provide your reasoning.

(d) Without explicitly calculating the marginal distribution function of X, briefly describe the e↵ect of the Poisson parameter on the mean of X (i.e. what happens to the mean of X as we change ?). Make sure to provide your reasoning.

BONUS: Explicitly derive the marginal distribution function of X

Reference no: EM131037324

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