Derive a formula for the payload capacity

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Reference no: EM132372742

1 Introduction

The aims of this laboratory are to:
1. To see transport protocols in action in the laboratory using Wireshark.
2. To measure the performance of different transport protocols in the laboratory and link this to theory - that is, verify that the results are what is expected, and if not, to explain why.

2 Pre-Lab Work

Before attending the laboratory, you must complete the following pre-lab questions. This will greatly improve your understanding of what is happening in the laboratory.

1. TCP and encapsulated protocols introduce an overhead into the transmission of information that limits the payload capacity of a link. Assume that you are transmitting a payload of P bytes over TCP/IP over Ethernet II. The overheads are: TCP - 20 bytes; IP - 20 bytes; Ethernet II - 14 bytes. Assume that the MTU size for Ethernet II is 1514 bytes.

(a) Derive a formula for the payload capacity, C, as a function of P and the link rate, L. Assume that C and L are in units of bits per second and P is in bytes. For instance, if L is 100 Mb/s and the total protocol overhead is 20% for a given size of P , then C will be equal to 80 Mb/s.

(b) Use MATLAB, GNU Octave (included in your VM image), Microsoft Excel or similar (or some other software) to plot C as a function of P for 1 ≤ P ≤ 10000. Ensure that your plot has sufficient points in it to capture all the detail of the relationship (do you expect any discontinuities in your plot - why or why not?). Comment on the results.

2. TCP uses a slow-start mechanism to carefully ramp up transmission speed, while quickly back- ing off when network congestion is detected through packet loss.

(a) Assume that you are to transmit a file size of 100000 bytes over TCP/IP over Ethernet

II. Assume that transmission rate is 100 Mb/s and that the window size is 4 with an end- to-end delay of 1 ms. Draw a packet flow diagram of the entire transmission and hence or otherwise, calculate the total time required for transmission assuming that there are no errors or lost segments. You can assume that each second segment is acknowledged by the receiver.

(b) Redo the preceding exercise but this time, assume that the receive buffer size is 5000 bytes. Assume received PDUs require 10 µs to process after removal from the receive buffer.

3 Setup
Prior to starting the lab, start your virtual machine (refer to Lab 0 notes) and make sure you have the latest version of the lab scripts:

212_Network topology.jpg

Figure 1: Network topology for Lab 1. The routing protocol is OSPF.

cd ˜/comm-protocols-labs git pull
Start your VM (as described in Lab 0), open a terminal window (note: you may always open more
than one terminal window if desired). For this lab, we will be using a generic OSPF-based network topology with full Internet access, as shown in Figure 1.

To start the Mininet emulated network with OSPF, enter the folder ˜/comm-protocols-labs/ospf ring
if you haven't already done so, and run the command

sudo ../
Remember, it will take about another 30 seconds for the network to fully converge after you start mininet (this is the time needed for OSPF to fully converge across all routers in the network).

For this laboratory, you will be using a tool called iperf3, which is a cross-platform network per- formance testing utility. iperf3, which has a number of graphical front-ends such as flent and jperf, is a command-line tool which can generate TCP or UDP traffic with many different options, and can operate as a client or a server. You need to first start iperf3 in server mode on one host or router, then connect to it from another instance of iperf3 running in client mode.

The different iperf3 command-line options used in this laboratory are summarised in Table 1.

The main options we will be using in this lab are the socket buffer size (-w) and the total amount of data to be sent (either specified via the time-limit option -t or the data-limit options -n or -k). iperf3 generates pseudorandom data and transmits it sequentially using the chosen protocol (either TCP, UDP, or SCTP with the various options that you specify) until the time or data limit is reached. By running it in server mode on one machine and then connecting to it with another instance running in client mode, buffer sizes, TCP flags etc. can be specified individually at each end. While running, it periodically prints out some throughput statistics (by default, once per second).
NOTE: For 2019 ONLY - as iperf3 was not installed when the master VM was distributed, you MUST manually install it on your local machine. The commands to do this are:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install iperf3

Laboratory Tasks

Basic functionality of iproute3

1. Open an xterm on hosts h1 and h4. We will use h1 as the client and h4 (initially) as the server. Packets will be sent from the client to the server by default. On h4, start iperf3 in server mode:

iperf3 -s
This will continue to run unless interrupted (via ctrl-C).

2. Open additional xterms on h1 and h5. Start a continuous ping to h5. The ICMP packets will traverse some of the same links as used by the UDP (or TCP) traffic flow:

ping h5
We will use this to monitor the effects of TCP and UDP packet flows on network latency.

3. Open a wireshark session on h1. Don't start the capture until just before you are ready to start the next task (i.e. running the iperf command).

4. Now, on h1, run iperf with the following options (immediately after starting Wireshark:

iperf3 -c h4 -t 30 -O 5 -C reno -Z

Table 1: Some of the main command-line options of iperf3

Option                                      Function

-c servername       Operate iperf3 in client mode, connecting to server servername

-s                  Operate iperf3 in server mode (already done on all hosts and routers in the emulated network)

-V                  Provide more verbose output

-t time             Run the test for time seconds

-n size[K|M|G]                    Run the test with size bytes (or KB, MB or GB if the K, M or G suffix is added)

-k numblocks        Run the test with numblocks blocks (packets)

-C algorithm        Use TCP variant algorithm - one of reno, cubic (the default) or bbr

-Z                  Use a zero-copy data transfer mechanism, reducing CPU overhead (recommended!)

-O time             Discard the first time seconds of data (to eliminate TCP slow- start from the statistics)

-R                  Run in reverse mode - with server sending data to the client

-N                  Use TCP no-delay option, disabling Nagle's algorithm

-u                  Use UDP rather than TCP

-b bandwidth[K|M|G]        For UDP, set the target bandwidth to bandwidth in b/s (or Kb/s,

Mb/s or Gb/s if the K, M or G suffix is added)

-w windowsize       Set socket buffer size

-l length[K|M|G]               Buffer size for reading or writing (128 kB by default)

This initiates a TCP connection from the client to the server. The client then starts a 30 second data transmission to the server (by default iperf3 sends data from the client to the server; this can be reversed if you add the -R option to the command line).

The options for this command are as follows: -c h4 requests iperf3 to start in client mode and connect to the server running on h4. The test will run for a time (-t) of 30 seconds (you can increase this if you want), but will omit (-O) the first 5 seconds to allow TCP slow start to stabilise (you can check to see what the congestion window size is while iperf3 runs in the terminal window). The TCP congestion control algorithm reno is selected (-C), which is the classical TCP variant described in the lectures (you can also try cubic or bbr). Finally, the -Z option requests that iperf3 uses a zero-copy method of data transmission to reduce CPU load (recommended, particularly in the VM environment).

The final two lines of output summarise total throughput from the sender and receiver perspec- tive.

Run the command several times. Record the average throughput observed on each run. Do you see a lot of variation either during a run or between runs? Do you observe any impact on the latency reported by ping?

5. Stop the Wireshark capture. Filter out the data transfer TCP stream - you can do this with the following filter: eq 1
Note: TCP stream zero is a control connection used to negotiate analysis options with the iperf3 server - if you have trouble identifying the actual data stream, check with the lab demonstrator. Set a reference mark on the first packet in the stream (the one with the SYN flag set). Now go to Statistics → TCP Stream Graphs → Throughput to plot throughput over time. Can you identify the part of the graph where slow start is operating?

6. Repeat the wireshark analysis with streams using TCP-BBR and TCP-cubic (using the -C cubic or -C bbr options to iperf3). Do you notice any significant difference in TCP behaviour? Qualitatively describe what you observe in each case.

7. Try running the test with iperf3 servers running on several other hosts or routers in the network, both ‘near' (e.g. h1 to r1) and ‘far'. Do you observe any differences in their behaviour? In particular, observe the maximum value that the congestion window reaches during the run (reported on the client side). How does this change with ‘distance' (essentially, delay) in our network (where all links have the same bandwidth - think about bandwidth-delay product; look it up if you aren't sure what this means)?

8. Now repeat the test with the -u option added (client side only - leave the server instance running on h4):

iperf3 -u -c h4 -t 30 -Z

(no need to omit the first packets now since we aren't using TCP - there's no slow start).
This switches the protocol to UDP. By default, packets will be sent with a target overall band- width of 1 Mb/s. iperf3 now reports two other important parameters: packet loss and jitter.

Packet loss is just the proportion of packets which are transmitted but which are lost before arriving at the receiver; jitter is the variation in the difference between consecutive packet ar- rival times. An unloaded network should see zero packet loss and zero jitter. Is that what you observe here?

9. Try increasing the UDP bandwidth from the default. To do this, repeat the preceding comamnd with the -b bandwidth option. For example, to produce UDP traffic with a constant bitrate of 10 Mb/s, use the following command:

iperf3 -u -c h4 -t 30 -Z -b 10M
Try increasing the load until you see some packet loss. Compare the bitrate as observed on the client side and server side as you increase the offered load. At what point do they diverge?

10. How does the latency (as reported by ping change as you increase the offered load?

Protocol Fight!

Now we will observe the change in network behaviour as we start to load up the network with multiple traffic flows of different types.

1. Open yet another pair of xterms, this time on h2 and h5. Start an iperf3 server on h5, and establish a long TCP flow (say 1000 seconds) from h2 to h5.
2. Restart the UDP flow from h1 to h4, this time at 10 Mb/s. As soon as it starts, observe the impact on the TCP flow (it may be fairly small). If you prefer, you can also leave the UDP flow running for a long time and run multiple short TCP flows and record the average.
3. In steps of 10 Mb/s, start increasing the UDP load until you are transmitting at 100 Mb/s (you will certainly see some packet loss at this point). What has happened to the TCP flow?
4. Terminate the UDP flow, while leaving the TCP flow running. Instead of UDP, now start a TCP flow from h1 to h4. Do both TCP flows share the link bandwidth roughly equally?
5. Try changing the TCP variant. We have been using reno up to this point; try switching both flows to cubic and bbr (so both flows use the same TCP congestion control algorithm). Is there any change in their behaviour?
6. What happens if you are using reno on one flow and cubic on the other? Also try reno vs. bbr and cubic vs. bbr. Comment on the results.

Basic Socket Programming in Python

1. Go to the folder comm-protocols-labs/bin. Open the scripts and in a text editor (e.g. gedit):


Read through both scripts to understand approximately how they work. Make a note of the port that the server will listen on.

2. Start the script on h1 from inside the comm-protocols-labs/bin folder:

cd ˜/comm-protocols-labs/bin ./

3. On h2, use the nmap port-scan utility to verify that you can see this port open on h1:

nmap h1
Use the telnet command to connect to the server from h2 on the port you identified:

telnet h5 portnum
You should see a short response printed in the telnet session, before it is terminated.

4. Now run the client on h2:

cd ˜/comm-protocols-labs/bin
./ h1
Now re-read the python scripts and try to follow the logic (your demonstrator will go through this in the lab.

5. Python programming exercise (optional - for bonus marks!): Using your knowledge of basic socket programming, convert the supplied client and server programs into a simple file transfer program. The server will sit and wait for incoming connections. When a client connects, it will send one of a number of commands to the server, which will respond as appropriate. The commands are as listed in Table 2:

Your client should be able to request a file for downloading, interpret the SIZE response, create a file with the requested name, read the binary data from the server, before terminating. You can test the server using telnet before writing the client.

If you successfully implement the server and client (and they work when they are tested), submit your code together with your final lab report for a 10% bonus on this lab exercise!

Verified Expert

In this task we analyze the working of transmission layer convention was found out. Two PCs were designed, one as a server and second one as a customer to examine the TCP/IP layer conventions. Traffic is produced by utilizing the program called 'Jperf' that is for the most part utilized in this lab for setting the buffer length, transmission information characterizing and MSS. Different parcels and the conventions and layer 3 messages utilizing Wireshark are additionally learned.

Reference no: EM132372742

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