Deploying remote access and system-monitoring tools

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133190385

Case Project 1. Using System-Monitoring Tools

You recently became the server administrator for a company. As soon as you walked in the door, users were telling you the network is running slowly quite often, but they couldn't tell you when it happened or how much it slowed down. What tests and measurements could you use to try to determine what's going on?

Case Project 2. Deploying Remote Access

You're consulting for a company that uses Windows Server 2012 R2 servers in a domain environment. All computers are running Windows 8.1. You have been told to come up with a remote access solution for the company's mobile workforce. Employees will be using company-issued laptops that they can use when they're on the premises, too. The solution should provide access to the company network when employees have an Internet connection without them having to specifically initiate a connection. The solution should be secure and allow IT staff to perform maintenance tasks via Remote Desktop sessions on the laptops when they're connected locally or remotely. What remote access solution do you recommend, and why? Are there any configuration options you should consider for this solution?

List the Case title, questions and answers.

Reference no: EM133190385

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