Depict law enforcement personnel

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Reference no: EM133187940

Many TV shows depict law enforcement personnel accessing readily accessible databases that contain all types of records about individuals -records about everything from address to telephone records to finances, insurance, and criminal history. The information you share with your bank, doctor, insurance agent, the TSA, ancestry kit companies, and on social media can make your life an open book. Here are some questions to address as you reflect on this:

1. Are you comfortable with giving away some of your privacy for increased security? Why or why not? How far would you let the government go in examining people's private lives?

2. How much access should we have to certain aspects of others' private lives? For example, should States share criminal databases? But should a database of people paroled or released for crimes be made public? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133187940

Questions Cloud

Define the concept of cross cultural dimensions : Define the concept of cross cultural dimensions. How does this concept relate to an expanding, global movie industry?
Consider sequence of activities : Consider a sequence of activities that you have encountered in your daily life and briefly describe it.
Modeling using program evaluation and review technique : Consider a schedule in daily life that you lived through and that in your view would benefit from modeling using program evaluation and review technique
Quantitative analysis approach : We know that quantitative analysis approach includes a high level overview of the importance of identifying the problem, developing a model,
Depict law enforcement personnel : Are you comfortable with giving away some of your privacy for increased security? Why or why not?
Discuss how race-racial relations-stereotypes : Discuss how race, racial relations, stereotypes, and/or racism plays a part in the film.
Depict american culture : Address how the films depict American Culture at the time it was released.
Under main heading alternatives : Under a main heading Alternatives, develop a list of options. Feel free to include those that maybe "far-fetched" without judging them.
Films depict and influence american culture : Write a paper exploring how those films depict and influence American culture.


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