Department the person works in

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131848551

Suppose that the file inData.txt contains the following data:

Giselle Robinson Accounting
5600 5 30
450 9
75 1.5

The first line contains a person's first name, last name, and the department the person works in.

In the second line, the first number represents the monthly gross salary, the bonus (as a percent), and the taxes (as a percent).

The third line contains the distance traveled and the traveling time.

The fourth line contains the number of coffee cups sold and the cost of each coffee cup.

Write statements so that after the program executes, the contents of the file outData.txt are as shown below. If necessary, declare additional variables. Your statements should be general enough so that if the content of the input file changes and the program is run again (without editing and recompiling), it outputs the appropriate results.

Write statements that close the input and output files.

The file inData.txt is provided for you with the following data:

 Giselle Robinson Accounting
5600 5 30
450 9
75 1.5

Run your program, and ensure that outData.txt is created and has the following lines:

Name: Giselle Robinson, Department: Accounting

Monthly Gross Salary: $5600.00, Monthly Bonus: 5.00%, Taxes: 30.00%

Paycheck: $4116.00

Distance Traveled: 450.00 miles, Traveling Time: 9.00 hours

Average Speed: 50.00 miles per hour

Number of Coffee Cups Sold: 75, Cost: $1.50 per cup

Sales Amount = $112.50

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   double distancetravel, travelTime, averageSpeed;

   int numofCoffeeCupSold;

   double coffeeCupcost, salesAmount;

   ifstream inFile;

   ofstream outFile;"inData.txt");"outData.txt");

   string firstName, lastName, department;

   double grossSalary, bonus, taxRate, bonusPercent, taxRatepercent, payCheck;

   outFile << "Please enter your first name, last name, and department" << endl;

   inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> department;

   cout << "Please enter your gross salary, bonus, and tax rate" << endl;

   inFile >> grossSalary >> bonus >> taxRate;

   bonus = grossSalary * bonusPercent/100;

   taxRate = grossSalary * (taxRatepercent/100);

   payCheck = grossSalary - bonus - taxRate;

   outFile << firstName << lastName << department << endl;

    outFile << "The bonus is " << payCheck << endl;

    outFile << "The tax rate is " << taxRate;

   outFile << "Enter number of coffee cups sold and the coffee cup cost" << endl;

   inFile >> numofCoffeeCupsSold >> coffeeCupcost;

   salesAmount = numofCoffeeCupsSold * coffeeCupcost;

   outFile << "Number of Cofee Cup Sold" << numofCoffeeCupsSold

       << ", cost : $" << coffeeCupCost << "per cup" << endl;

   outFile << "Sales Amount = $" << salesAmount << endl;

   return 0;


Reference no: EM131848551

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