Department of computer science

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131227694

Department of Computer Science

Issues in CS

Write a short essay (roughly 350-400 words) about some topic related to computing and/or communication technology that interests you and has social or ethical implications. Describe the background; then identify the social or ethical issues, problems, or questions that you think are important. (Don't make your essay be just an argument for one point of view. You may express your views if you want to, but first explain what the issues are, why there is a problem or a controversy.)

P.S. The above paragraph is 80 words.

Reference no: EM131227694

Questions Cloud

What is your average money balance during the pay period : (Money Demand) Suppose that you never carry cash. Your paycheck of $1,000 per month is deposited directly into your checking account, and you spend your money at a constant rate so that at the end of each month your checking account balance is zer..
Discuss the interpretation of the negative constitution : In our reading in this unit, we discuss the interpretation of the "negative constitution." Do you agree with this interpretation? What other rights and protections can be inferred from this interpretation.
Privacy policy-agreement of one company : Identify and read the privacy policy/agreement of one company with which you deal. Discuss items that surprised you and items that relate to the content of this lesson (specifically atTrustE.) Also explore how this agreement impacts information ..
Explain the six steps in forming a token economy : Discuss the role of tokens and back-up reinforcers in the token economy system. How does each work to modify behavior? Using the case study, identify the token and back-up reinforcer. Bonus: What is the concern with the token selection in this cas..
Department of computer science : Write a short essay (roughly 350-400 words) about some topic related to computing and/or communication technology that interests you and has social or ethical implications.
What is the value of this greater openness : Prior to that, observers were left to draw inferences about Fed policy based on the results of that policy. What is the value of this greater openness?
Demonstrate your understanding of the topics : Your paper is due by the end of Week 4. There will be a penalty for late submissions (See Syllabus for Details). The key to this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the topics, not to re-word the text or reference material. Please se..
How is credibility related to the time-inconsistency problem : (Policy Credibility)What is policy credibility and how is it relevant to the problem of reducing high inflation? How is credibility related to the time-inconsistency problem?
What steps must employees take before leaving : What steps must employees take before leaving and how will you measure that those steps have been taken? What's involved in doing that and what are some of the biggest challenges involved in accomplishing that kind of assessment?


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

  Explain description design analyses

Description Design Analyses (perhaps include sub-categories for each process) Description of Units being Designed What do they remove? Explain how do they operate?

  Myth of mac devices being more secure

Explain whether or not you believe that the myth of Mac devices being more secure than Windows devices is becoming history, and justify your answer. Further, indicate one (1) main reason why you believe this myth still exists in the minds of end u..

  Why are building codes such as those for stairways required

Stairways-and mechanical engineers sometimes design stairways-have certain geometric requirements for their design, e.g., stairway steps shall be uniform with respect to rise and run. Review local and/or uniform building codes for stairways and st..

  Find the largest key in a binary search tree

Write an algorith m that finds the largest key in a binary search tree. Analyze your algorithm, and show the results using order notation.

  Find a simplified expression for function

find a simplified expression for F = A?BC?D + A?B?D + A?CD + ABD + ABC - Assuming that the inputs ABCD = 0101, BCD = 1001, ABCD = 1011 never occur,

  Main features of principled negotiation

What are the main features of principled negotiation? In the context of international business negotiation, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach?

  First prove the results using the interleaving model

For each part, first prove the results using the interleaving model, and then prove the results using the partial order model.

  Find a way to assign three colors to the vertices

such that no edge connects two vertices of the same color, or show that it is not possible to do so.

  Give an algorithm to record global state

Consider a distributed system where every node has its physical clock and all physical clocks are perfectly synchronized.

  Use html5 to create a document that contains

Insert a horizontal rule between the h1 element and the p element. Open your new document in a web browser to view the marked up document.

  Distinguish between mobile subscriber

Distinguish between mobile subscriber, ISDN number and mobile station roaming?

  Prepare business income statement for the period

With growing importance of computerised accounting systems, which inventory system (perpetual or periodic) has become more popular?  Explain why

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