Deontology or utilitarianism

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Reference no: EM133486092


Jenny is a part-time professor in a University setting and currently performs her duties in the Department of Psychology. Ben unexpectedly approaches her, the department chairman, regarding teaching a Biopsychology course due to an unforeseen situation. Jenny hesitates because this is a course that she is both unfamiliar with and unprepared for. Ben notices this hesitation and then informs Jenny that she accepts the offer and that a full-time position may be available for her. Jenny tells Ben she needs time to think about this, and he gives her a deadline by the close of business. Jenny then discusses this dilemma with another colleague, Rhonda, who seems suspicious of the situation. They both articulate their thoughts and opinions of the potential bias against part-time female professors.

Which ethical theory provides a more functional framework for my case and why? Deontology or Utilitarianism?

Reference no: EM133486092

Questions Cloud

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