Dental practice mails out reminder postcards to patients

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Reference no: EM133300560

1. Charlotte's dental practice mails out reminder postcards to patients every six months. Charlotte instructs her staff to begin gathering email information from patients so that they can send the reminders as emails. How would Charlotte's practice MOST benefit from emailing reminders instead of sending postcards?

A. Patient confidentiality would be maintained.

B. The office would save money on postage fees.

C. The patients would receive their notices more quickly.

D. The office would be able to sell the patient's email addresses.

2. Mia sent the results from an EKG testing strip to the cardiologist who ordered it by email. The cardiologist calls Mia to complain that he did not receive the email. Mia checks her records and sees that the email was sent. She verifies that she spelled the cardiologist's email correctly. Still, he insists that he did not receive the results. What MOST likely has happened to Mia's email?

A. Someone intercepted it and stole the results.

B. Mia must have sent the email to the wrong person.

C. The email must have been sent to his spam folder.

D. Mia's computer did not actually send the email.

3. Ayden is a radiological technician who must perform a chest x-ray on a 25-year-old female patient. Ayden knows that it is important to make sure that the patient is not pregnant because, if so, the x-ray might be damaging to her fetus. Ayden looks at the chart and does not note anything about pregnancy. What would be the BEST way for Ayden to make sure this record is accurate?

A. Look at the patient and determine if she is pregnant.

B. Ask the patient to verify that she is not pregnant.

C. Call the intake nurse to ask if she got the correct information.

D. Have the patient take a pregnancy test before the x-ray.

4. Rohan is a neurologist who is meeting with a Korean American patient. He has the results of his patient's test, and the diagnosis is grim. Rohan's patient has the early signs of multiple sclerosis, which is a terminal disease with no cure. Considering the patient's cultural background, what facts might Rohan choose to focus on when he breaks the news to his patient?

A. how long they will possibly live

B. how expensive the treatment will be

C. what the patient can do now to cope

D. what the patient's chances are of recovery

5. Davi is a nurse on an intensive care ward. He is entering in records of medicine he gave to his patient after they ate breakfast. Davi begins to type 'acetaminophen' but the computer autocorrects him and enters 'acetone' instead. Davi is a hurry and saves the record to move on to the next patient. What could Davi do differently next time to avoid a mistake being saved to the patient's file?

A. Write it up on a totally different word program and copy/paste.

B. Keep a written record as a backup for the electronic record.

C. Proofread carefully before he saves any changes to the file.

D. There is nothing for Davi to do; the next nurse will know what he meant.

6. Abdul has a hard time managing his glucose levels. His family is concerned so Abdul's doctor suggests that he be fitted with a sensor that will continuously send readings of his glucose levels to the office. Then, if Abdul is not keeping his levels in check, the doctor has a record of it and can discuss with Abdul the times that seem to be challenging for him. What type of telecommunication is this an example of?

A. store and forward

B. remote monitoring

C. interactive

D. e-prescribing

7. Xander loves new technology and finds it annoying that the state requires he keep a written record of every cardiac test result. He doesn't see why he needs to keep a huge file cabinet full of test results when they are all on his electronic patient records! For what reason does the state MOST likely insist Xander keep physical records in addition to electronic ones?

A. It forces Xander to double check the test results.

B. They will be able to audit Xander's records.

C. In case Xander's electronic records are lost due to computer issues.

D. In case Xander's patients want a copy for themselves.

8. Destiny is a lab tech performing a blood test on a patient. She tells the patient that she will send them an email when the results are in so that they can call her. The patient wants to know which email Destiny's lab has on file because he doesn't want it to go to his corporate email. What is MOST likely the reason for the patient's cautiousness?

A. The patient might worry that their employer monitors their email.

B. The patient does not check their corporate email regularly.

C. The patient might want to share their results with their employer.

D. The employer does not allow personal emails on company time.

9. Worried about her daughter's fever, Kiara contacts the pediatrician's office. Since it is after hours, no one is in the office. The pediatrician suggests that Kiara do a video call so that she can discuss her daughter's symptoms and formulate a plan. What type of telecommunication is this an example of?

A. store and forward

B. remote monitoring

C. interactive

D. e-prescribing

10. Maria is the intake nurse in a community hospital. She is very excited because the hospital has recently begun offering a patient portal to allow patients and their doctors to view their medical records electronically. When Maria is checking in a new patient, she explains the new system. She tells the patient that there is a special, one-time passcode for the patient to log into the system. Once they do, they must create their own passcode. She tells them not to show their passcode to anyone. Even though Maria knows there are many advantages to electronic records, what disadvantage does her warning to the patient show?

A. They are less accessible than paper records.

B. They are less prone to catastrophic loss than paper records.

C. They have more confidentiality risks than paper records.

D. They have substantially more errors than paper records.

11. Layla suspects that she might be sick. She has a sore throat, cough, and fever, along with muscle aches and fatigue. Layla doesn't think she is in an emergency situation but would like to know the best way to treat this illness. What source would Layla MOST likely go to for tips on dealing with her symptoms?

A. She would probably go to the local hospital to see a specialist.

B. She would probably call friends to ask for their advice.

C. She would probably do a search online of symptoms and treatments.

D. She would probably check out a book of treatments from the library.

12. Sanjay is discussing test results with his patient, Hiro. Hiro's wife is also in the office to hear the news. Unfortunately, Sanjay tells Hiro that he has tested positive for a degenerative disease. Hiro's wife is understandably upset, and Hiro reaches out to comfort her. Still, he shows no emotion. Sanjay wants to make sure that Hiro has all the information he needs but he senses that Hiro is not from a culture where asking questions of authority figures is encouraged. What might be the BEST way for Sanjay to encourage Hiro to speak up?

A. Sanjay should respect Hiro's culture by not forcing the issue.

B. Sanjay should encourage Hiro's wife to ask the questions.

C. Sanjay should go over all the possible information so that Hiro doesn't have to ask.

D. Sanjay should gently tell Hiro that it is natural to have questions, and he is there to help.

13. Gabe is a pediatrician in a busy city clinic. He sees children of refugees regularly. One patient comes in with a cut on his leg. The cut has become infected. Gabe explains to the boy's mother that the cut must be cleaned regularly and bandaged to prevent damage to the skin tissue. When the child comes in for a follow-up, his leg is swollen, red, and inflamed. Gabe can see that his directions have not been followed, and now the infection has spread. What is MOST likely the reason for this patient's noncompliance?

A. The patient's mother did not think Gabe knew what he was talking about.

B. The patient's mother performed the treatment Gabe prescribed but it didn't work.

C. The patient's mother did not understand the instructions that Gabe gave.

D. The patient's mother is neglecting her child on purpose.

14. Ming is studying to become a cardiologist. In looking over her next semester, Ming sees a whole unit dedicated to cultural diversity and beliefs. Why would this be important information for Ming to consider?

A. She can speak to all her patients in the language they grew up using.

B. She can practice medicine in another country.

C. She knows which cultures are more likely to have which diseases.

D. She can understand her patients' backgrounds and be considerate in their care.

15. Dr. Blackburn emailed a request to the radiologist. He asked if she would mind taking a second look to see if there was any chance of the tech having missed a small tumor on his patient's last CT. The radiologist replied "No" to the email. Now Dr. Blackburn is confused. Does she mean that she won't take a second look, or does she mean that there is still no tumor found? What is MOST likely the reason for this miscommunication?

A. The radiologist most likely speaks another language than Dr. Blackburn.

B. The radiologist is annoyed at Dr. Blackburn for second guessing her technician.

C. Because they are communicating by email, Dr. Blackburn can't see her expressions.

D. Dr. Blackburn does not know the radiologist very well, so he doesn't understand her.

Reference no: EM133300560

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