Demonstration of your mastery of collaborative writing skill

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131540103


The Group Case Project will be a demonstration of your mastery of collaborative writing skills. A case will be selected from your Hosmer textbook or another source (as determined by your instructor).

You will be assigned to a group, and your group will collaborate on the development of your ethics-based Group Case Project on the Group Discussion Board Forums. A group will normally consist of 3-4 individuals.

During Module/Week 2, each group will be designated by the instructor and will begin reviewing and discussing the organizational process of developing the case project. The format and method for solving the case must be based on the steps of Hosmer's analytical process model (as outlined in textbookEthics of Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach).

The central idea of the project is to apply the Hosmer analytical model-understand all moral standards, recognize all moral impacts, define the complete moral problem, determine the economic outcomes, consider the legal requirements, evaluate the ethical duties, and propose a convincing moral solution-to the questions at the end of your case; only apply those elements from the Hosmer model that are relevant. Each of the elements of the model that you include must become a Level 1 heading in your paper.

Generally, each member of the group takes a section of the paper; the leader then brings all the sections together and performs final editing before submitting the final, single paper.

Only the group leader will submit the final paper under "Course Tools/SafeAssign."Each participant must email the instructor his or her contribution to the paper as evidence of participation. In the end, you must propose a convincing moral solution in your paper, based on the Hosmer model, so that the reader is persuaded to your way of thinking.

As this is a paper that requires research, it must be written in third person. All 7 sources must be of a scholarly nature; acceptable sources include either textbooks or journal articles from peer-reviewed journals.

Your assigned Collaborative Case Project is 6-1, Exxon Corporation and the Lack of a True Mission Statement (Hosmer, 2011, p. 164). The project will be due at the end of Week 6. The format and method for evaluating the case will be based on the steps of Hosmer's (2011) Analytical Process Model, as outlined in the text.

My Topic: Ethical issues with the clear lack of mission statement.

It must only be 1 page with 1-2 references.

Reference no: EM131540103

Questions Cloud

How would a behaviorist try to change his mind : identity theory is true. How would an identity theorist go about changing her mind - How would a behaviorist try to change his mind in this situation
Calculate expected return-standard deviation : Calculate Expected Return and Standard Deviation
Find the corresponding risk-neutral probabilities : Find the corresponding risk-neutral probabilities q1, q2, q3 for the u and d above. Evaluate the option price using the risk-neutral probabilities from (b)
Which of the given is not true regarding crm systems : Which of the following is not true regarding customer relationship management (CRM) systems? PRM stands for Personnel Relationship Management.
Demonstration of your mastery of collaborative writing skill : Demonstration of your mastery of collaborative writing skills. A case will be selected from your Hosmer textbook or another source.
Research project annotated bibliography : Research Project Annotated Bibliography. This week, students will choose three sources from their research project bibliography (completed in Week 5).
What was the red scare : Who created McCarthyism and why? What was the Red Scare? What did it do? Can you think of any parallels that exist today?
How do you feel the current sexual beliefs and behaviors : How do you feel the current sexual beliefs and behaviors in the United States compare to other countries
Concerning option values-all else held constant : Which of the following statements are correct concerning option values, all else held constant?


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