Demonstration of network security tools

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132292176

Demonstration of network security toolsPurpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate and compare two security tools. Student will discuss common threats and attacks on networked information systems, and how to mitigate them. Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit

learning outcomes:

b. Analyse and discuss common emerging threats, attacks, mitigation and countermeasures in networked information systems;

Assignment Description

For this assignment, you will evaluate two network security tools. Marks will be awarded based on the sophistication and the difficulties the demonstration explored.

Your task is to complete and make a 7-8 min video presentation on the following:

1. Download and install (on your computer or on MIT Virtual box) any two of the security tools from Table 1.

2. Outline of your presentation should include description of the tools.

3. Demonstrate (narration of your actions recorded by video) 4 tasks that each of the software/security tools can perform. Your demonstration should include:
i. Discussion on the threats that these tools could be used for mitigating (name and brief description of the threats should be included in your discussion), and

ii. Explanation of how to use these tool to monitor security threats.

4. Comparison of the tools that you used in this work. Your comparison could include:

i. Security features (range/level)
ii. Time is taken to detect any threat
iii. Ease of usage

5. Analyse the following scenarios and give your opinion on which of the tools that you investigated could be more suitable for these scenarios. In your analysis, please consider the following:

i. Discuss the business requirement for JKL in terms of security.
ii. What is the probable security threat for JKL?
iii. Propose a better suited tool (between the two tools that you have worked on).

6. You should appear in the video at the first and last 30 secs to introduce yourself and draw a conclusion on your experience with the security tool.

Case Scenario: JKL is a small software development company with two sites in Brisbane and Adelaide. The head office of JKL is in Adelaide. The servers are located in Adelaide. Each office has approximately 50 staff and they have 5 departments, Technology, Finance, Operations, Customer service and Administration. Staff from both sites need to communicate with each other on a daily basis on various office matter. Development work is done in collaboration with staff from both sites. Some of the clients of JKL require highest level of security and confidentiality of their data and information. So, network and information security is very important for JKL. The challenge of JKL is to maintain high level of security within a small budget.

Length of Video: Introduction (30 secs approximately, your appearance should be in the video) + Outline of the presentation (30 secs approximately) + Demonstration of the task (260 seconds approximately) + Comparison of the Tools (30 seconds approximately) +Analysis of the scenario (40 secs approximately) + Conclusion (30 secs approximately, with appearance). The total length of the presentation should not more than 8 minutes (mark would be deducted for over-length presentation).

Table 1: Network Security Tools (You can choose any two network security tools for your demonstration with your tutor's consent)

Serial #

Name of the security tool


Metasploit Framework







You may use any of the available open source software for screen capture. Please find the following as an example.
• Software:

The following resources may be of use:
• Textbooks
• Youtube Videos

Reference no: EM132292176

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4/24/2019 3:11:58 AM

Grade Mark HD 16-20 DI 14-15 Excellent Very Good Introduction Appearance is Appearance is clear and easy to follow. /2 clear, easy to follow, well prepared and professional Outline Create a very A bullet point /1 nice bullet point outline is provided outline and well and presented presented it before the start of before the the presentation demonstration started Demonstrati on /8 Very profession- al, clear and easy to follow. Professional, clear and easy to follow


4/24/2019 3:11:51 AM

Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Student should introduce with his/her physical appearance in the video. 2 Outline Outline of the whole presentation including tool description. 1 Demonstration Demonstrate (narration of your actions recorded by video) all steps from the respective project. 8 Comparison Compare the two tools investigated. 3 Analysis Analysis of the scenario. 4 Conclusion With appearance, draw a conclusion on your experience with the Security Software. 2 Total 20


4/24/2019 3:11:43 AM

To upload on Youtube, you must create your account on youtube. If you have a google account (gmail), you already have one on youtube. Videos must be of one of the following formats: .MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, .3GPP, and .WebM. Once you have an account, to upload your video, click on the 'upload' button located at the top right-hand corner of your webpage. To keep your uploaded video unsearchable by people so that random people cannot view your video(s), you have to select the privacy mode from the drop-down menu on the upload screen to be ‘Unlisted’. This way, your video is viewable by only those who have got the URL of your video. Make sure you copy and paste your video URL in the file submitted on MOODLE for your marker to be able to watch and mark it!


4/24/2019 3:11:23 AM

No word limit as there is no written report, but the length of the video should be no more than 8 minutes 5 PM, Friday Week 7 • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

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