Reference no: EM133692524 , Length: word count:1500
Strategic Management
Business Consulting
Companies - Sultan Turkish Restaurant and Salamis Restaurant
Assignment task
The scenario is that you have been instructed by your client to produce a report demonstrating your understanding of the client project through the use of secondary research. You are not required to provide a set of solutions to the client's problem at this stage,
Using the client project brief which you have been allocated, answer all three of the questions below.
A reminder you will be allocated a real client project brief, so a real company which requires students to work on a real project with clear deliverables.
Grades are awarded for range and relevance of research sources. Ensure work is supported with evidence from research (academic theory and company research)
Further guidance on research sources will be provided in Week 8's class.
Clarify who your client is, and detail what it is they are seeking from the consultancy teams.
Using research, break the problem down by critically analysing and presenting areas of importance to the client such as but not limited to, competitors, target customer market and influencing factors from the external environment
From your above analysis, what are the top three issues the client is facing with rationale to why you have chosen these three areas.
Learning outcome 1: Critically analyse a range of secondary business research sources with application to the client's business.
Standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process.