Reference no: EM131799222
This is an Individual assignment and constitutes 50% of the unit mark and covers learning outcomes (all learning outcomes for the unit):
1 Understand the strategic issues associated with CRM initiatives.
2 Analyse customer needs and expectations by demonstrating the ability to integrate business, information, stakeholders, business processes and technologies into a coherent CRM deployment.
3 Provide an analysis of ethical and privacy issues towards the management of customer data.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), as a concept, has gained significance over the past decade as a method to attract, retain and maximise profitability from each customer by businesses.You are to research the following topic in-depth:
Title: Operational, Analytical and Strategic CRM: do they exist?
As part of your report you are to evaluate the development of leads and customersas they relate to the CLV following any recognised customer life-cycle. You are to examine, in detail, how these interlink and form your conclusions based upon the research you have completed.
To achieve this, you must include at least 15 references from appropriate journals and reference these accordingly.
Submission Date and Hand in Requirements: 12 January 2018 through Turnitin ONLY.
There are mark penalties for late submissions. (Corruption of computer disks is not an adequate excuse for late hand in, as work should be adequately backed up.)
Word Count: The word count should not exceed 1700 words (excluding references) but you may add to that additional information in the form of appendices and tables. Words that exceed the permitted word count will not read beyond the stated word count. A falsely stated word-count is an assessment offence.
Referencing requirements: All sources should be acknowledged and appropriately cited within your work, following the University's approved referencing conventions. [APA 6th ed]
Formatting: Font size should be point 12 using an ‘easy to read' font, for example Calibri or Arial. Line spacing must be set at 1.5 with 4 cm margins all round. The Header must include your student number and the Footer must include a page number.