Reference no: EM132465782
Choose a case scenario from the readings or video.
Assessment Part One, write 550 words.
Topic:Children and Youth
This is about the child welfare system.
Respond to the scenario presented in the reading or video topic indicating how you would use your personal philosophy of social welfare to initiate a discussion about the client's situation as if you were presenting your initial response to a team meeting composed of your peers in this course. Your presentation must include a reference list of the sources cited or mentioned. The presentation could take the form of a short academic paper, case notes, or a student-led conference using PowerPoint slides with supporting notes, including a list of references.
Using a reading or video associated with each of the sections in Part 4 produce an initial assessment for one of the scenarios as if it provided the information for a client case that you are then sharing with a case team. Explain
1) your areas of strength in assessing the case,
2) areas for additional learning and,
3) areas for further development of your practice. Approach the assignment with a view to demonstrating competence as a social worker, social service worker, or human service worker, which may be a field which you plan to work in the future.
Make use of the Alberta College of Social Workers' Standards of Practice or similar resources to support your analysis. Finally, what additional steps might you take to deepen your understanding of a question you have as yet not been able answer about social work, social services work, and/or human service work.
The purpose of the assignment presentation is to summarize a client's situation very briefly, and to provide several insights that apply elements of your personal philosophy of social welfare to guide your discussion.
Assessment Part Two, write 550 words.
A self-assessment of the case you have assessed.
Readings/Resources for this assignment
• Hick, S. (2010). "Social Work with Children and Youth," Chapter 8 in Social Work in Canada: An Introduction, pp. 134-167.
• APTN National News. Read The 94 Recommendations Here.
• Jordan's Principle.
• Canadian Centre for Child Protection. It Is In Your Control. Get Involved.
• Tribunal again tells feds to fund Indigenous child welfare, minister agrees. (video Please watch it).
• Make use of the Alberta College of Social Workers' Standards of Practice or similar resources to support your analysis.
You wrote the personal philosophy of social welfare.
Attachment:- Case scenario - Children and Youth.rar
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