Demonstrating communication skills-technical expertise

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133734255


In writing a clear and concise memo to inform management about potential vulnerabilities, you are demonstrating communication skills, technical expertise, and responsiveness to stakeholder needs and concerns. The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment: 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication. 1.3.4: Balance original content with supporting sources. 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication. 2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration. 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved. 10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies. 12.1.1: Determine business needs that require policies, processes, and procedures. 12.3.1: Select controls. 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.

Reference no: EM133734255

Questions Cloud

Lewins change theory : Lewin's change theory. Explain how the two theories you selected reflect an issue the organization is currently facing.
Select strategy for stress relief or stress management : Student success stratgies Select a strategy for stress relief or stress management. explain the strategy and your experience trying it out.
The production line approach works in environments : The production line approach works in environments where organizations that lack variability and complexity in terms of tasks.
Foundation of organization culture : Create response to In my opinion, having a strong system of formal structures is crucial as it forms the foundation of an organization's culture.
Demonstrating communication skills-technical expertise : In writing a clear and concise memo to inform management about potential vulnerabilities, you are demonstrating communication skills, technical expertise,
Find work and leadership experience : Find a Work and Leadership Experience Find a local organization, Supervised Agricultural Experience, or other agrisciences-based professional organization
Crucial for success and efficiency of organization : Create a response From my perspective, a strong system of formal structures is more crucial for the success and efficiency of an organization.
Strong system of formal structures : Create a discussion response for, From my perspective, a strong system of formal structures is more crucial for the success and efficiency of an organization.
Role-play-Conflict between staff : The Continent Hotel for the Scenario 1 and you will have to deal with conflict existing between Sam and Maria about the hotel pool.


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