Demonstrating academic integrity in scholarly writing

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Reference no: EM131568715

Question:Please help me with this Assignment: Demonstrating Academic Integrity in Scholarly Writing

Faculty and students who display courage in the pursuit of integrity not only become role models but also increase standards for learning and scholarship. Community is thus forged and becomes a key source for building habits of civility for a lifetime. -Pat Drinan, "The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity"

Select one of the following articles included the Learning Resources: Tajlili (2014); Evans, Carney, and Wilkinson (2013); Giberson and Miklos (2014); or Perlow (2014).

Apply the principles of scholarly writing to summarize the article you selected. Include at least one in-text citation and the reference for the article. Your summary should be approximately

Next, review the article summary you included in your initial Discussion posting. You may edit or revise your writing based on insights you gained through reading your colleagues' summaries or reviewing the Learning Resources. For this Assignment, include only your approximately 150-word article summary (i.e., do not include the explanation of how the information in the article can be applied, which you wrote for the Discussion). Include at least one in-text citation and the reference for the article.

At this point, you should have one document that includes your two article summaries (one paragraph per article) and your references. One reference will be from your library research and one reference will be from the articles provided in this module's Learning Resources.
Upload your work to the Assignment SafeAssign link in this online classroom. (Note: Ensure that you use one of the SafeAssign Draft submission links in the classroom, located in the Academic Integrity area of the course navigation menu-not the Academic Skills Center SafeAssign link and not the SafeAssign submission link for this Assignment-so your Instructor can view the results if necessary.)

Review the results indicated on your SafeAssign report. If necessary, revise your summaries to ensure that your writing meets the standards of academic integrity.

In the same document, help with additional paragraph in which you explain how you used the SafeAssign results to check and improve your work. In addition, explain how the practices addressed in this module (e.g., using credible sources to support your work, accurately citing sources, and using SafeAssign) exemplify the core values of academic integrity (approximately
Finally, review your work and ensure that it meets scholarly writing standards (i.e., confirm that your writing is clear, concise, free of grammatical errors, and properly formatted and that it includes correct usage of APA guidelines for citations and references).

The Assignment

In one document, include the following:

A one-paragraph summary of the article you selected from the Learning Resources

A one-paragraph summary of the article you located using the Walden Library, using in-text citations as appropriate

A one-paragraph explanation of how you used SafeAssign to review and improve your summaries and an analysis of how the practices addressed in this module exemplify the core values of academic integrity

Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this module's Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. See the Assignment Rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Reference no: EM131568715

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