Reference no: EM131802065
Lab Assignment: Serial Communications
Lab a:
· Watch the youtube video: "Exploring Arduino" Tutorial 06 for Arduino: Serial Communication and Processing.
· Implement the program presented in the video and Chapter 6 (pp. 119- 127) in your textbook to serially communicate with the USB port.
Lab b:
Applying the principles in Lab 6a, design a circuit and Arduino program that implements the following:
A system that requests an input from the user in the form of a username or an ID (i.e. jd626) and then checks to verify that against stored username or ID. The system should display "Please enter your username or ID: " in the serial monitor when you run the code.
· If the data entered by the user matches the stored data then the system results in an authorized access (simulating an authorized entry) by echoing "Hello <your full name>" in the serial monitor and turning ON the green LED on the circuit.
· If the data entered does not match the stored data then the system results in unauthorized access (simulating an unauthorized entry) by echoing "Invalid Username" in the serial monitor and turning ON the red LED on the circuit. Make a note that the original prompt will be displayed to repeat the process in the
· Take a screenshot of the program execution on the serial monitor and the circuit board. Show the prompt on the serial monitor as well as the illuminated green or red LED on the circuit board for both possible conditions.
· Include a video of your circuit in operation and any computer screenshots during its operation. Please include your Grantham ID number in the video to show your work.
· Send your code file (.ino) of the lab completed and operational as well for credit.
· Explain the process you used in this lab that demonstrates the potential interaction of the Arduino board and other devices.
· In serial commination, why is it important to understand the processing of the characters and strings?
With your answers, please submit your code, a video of your circuit and any computer screenshots during its operation. Please include your Grantham ID number in the video to show your work.