Reference no: EM131388102 , Length: word count:2000
Task - Performance Evidence Case studies
You must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.
Case study 1
Jim is a forty-year-old single man with an unstable work history and a criminal record. He has two daughters, Alice who is currently in foster care and Jane who is seventeen and currently undergoing treatment at a drug rehabilitation centre. He has been denied contact with Alice and the whereabouts of Alice's mother is unknown. He has no contact with his wife. He has only seen Jane once since she was admitted to the rehabilitation centre three months ago. He feels estranged from her.
Jim has been charged for the fifth time with drink driving and is now facing a jail sentence. He has admitted that he drinks every day, usually at home alone. He has severe back pain and states that drinking helps more that prescribed pain killers. Sometimes he uses cannabis.
His parents died tragically when he was twelve years of age. He lived with his maternal grandparents until he was seventeen. He has a brother and a sister younger than him. He has no contact with them due to relationship problems.
Jim has attempted suicide several times in the past.
He has presented to your service today seeking assistance. He says that he is feeling in a depressed mood, has low self-esteem and feels isolated.
Case study 2
Brad uses cannabis as well as amphetamines. On certain occasions he uses benzodiazepines. When asked about why he likes taking the amphetamines, Brad states that using those drugs"... does not cause him any problems", he has only agreed to talk because his mum is concerned about his weight loss. Brad also described his use of benzodiazepines as "... I can take them or leave them but I use them to help me come down from the amphetamines... the benzoes are not a problem." Concerning his cannabis use, Brad has strong feelings to not use. He stated "... I am determined to, not use, as recently I had a bad time of it. They said it was psychosis. Whatever it was it scared me and I will be good now and not get into the dope anymore..."
Case study 3
Jackson is 36 years of age and smokes approximately 40 cigarettes per day and more if he is having a few drinks with his friends. He has recently been diagnosed with a heart valve condition and has been advised by his GP to stop smoking. He says to you "... I know I should give up the smokes but I have tried before to give up but I enjoy smoking too much. I have tried the patches and they did help me quit for a few months. I know it is not good for me to continue to smoke and it is always on my mind to be a non-smoker.
Now that I have a medical problem I need to get serious... the consequences are great for me, I don't want to die young''.
Read the Case Study and be prepared for simulated workshops with your trainer.
You will need to:
Prepare for the assessment:
1. Review information
2. Devise questions for individual for seeking assistances
3. Explain parameters of what the organisation can do
4. Discuss privacy and confidentiality
5. Explain the process and purpose of assessment
6. Confirm that the client understands
Conduct assessment
1. Identify history and pattern of client's drug use through client discussion and questioning.
2. Identify and clarify co-existing issues in consultation with the client.
3. Identify the clients key familial and social relationships and how they are impacted by their AOD use.
4. Assess current status, patterns of use and levels of dependence using standardised or approved AOD screening and assessment tools.
5. Collaborate with or determine which other health professionals as indicated by assessment.
6. Identify indicators of other issues that may affect work with the client through observation and questioning.
Information gathered must include:
a. Physical, emotional, financial, legal and psychological state and immediate needs in each area.
b. Readiness for change.
c. Levels of risk of deliberate self-harm and/or harm to others.
d. Behaviours which expose clients to blood borne disease.
e. Other drug use in family.
Record information
1. Accurately record assessment results according to defined guidelines
2. Apply organisation criteria to determine entry to, or exclusion from, services
3. Prepare clear and comprehensive client assessment report
4. Provide feedback to the client based on assessment report
Identify and respond
1. Identify client issues that are outside the scope of the service and/or the scope of the worker.
2. Identify appropriate service and other support options for the client and their family members.
3. Inform the client of possible options and reasons for seeking other service and support options.
4. Confirm the client's understanding of options.
5. Work with the client to determine referral options and responsibilities.
6. Make referral with client consent.
7. Provide assessment information to others, including relevant health and/or community services professionals according to consent requirements.
Assessment 1 -
Match the phrase in column1 to definitions in column 2. Write the letter next to the number e.g. B in the column next to 6 if you think this is correct.
Codes of practice
Australian law must ensure healthy and safe workplaces and a compensation and rehabilitation system which ensures that no worker is disadvantaged should they be injured at work
Legislative requirement imposed on selected classes of people to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to government authorities
Dignity of risk
Set of principles and long-term goals that form the basis of making rules and guidelines, and to give overall direction to planning and development of the organisation
Duty of care
Effective and appropriate management of an organisation's records from their creation through to their eventual disposal
Human rights
The right to self-governance for people with mental illness
Informed consent
Industry standards code of conduct
Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance
Occurs when a child or youth tells you or lets you know in some other way that she or he has been; or is being abused. Can be direct, indirect, or a third-party.
Rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status to which all equally entitled. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
Relates to the protection of an individual's personal information. Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Policy frameworks
Protection of personal information or a means keeping a client's information between you and the client, and not telling others including co-workers, friends, family, etc.
Records management
Requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence
Work health and safety
Consent of a patient or other recipient of services based on the principles of autonomy and privacy; competence to understand and to decide, voluntary decision making, disclosure of material information, recommendation of a plan, comprehension of terms
Children in the workplace
Dependent on organisation's policy on permitting staff to bring their children into the workplace. Some states allow children to commence work at 13 years of age with parental permission
Assessment 2 - Legislation and AOD work
1. Your client has a drug and/or alcohol issues.
What are the rights and responsibilities of workers, clients and their care network?
2. Research AOD legislation.
1. Write down the name of the legislation
2. How does this legislation impact on the role of the worker?
Assessment 3 - Research and locate one AOD assessment tool. Write a report on this tool with the following headings:
- Type of tool
- Purpose of Tool
- Components or elements of the tool
- Availability of this standardised tool
- Benefits of standardised tools
- Selection of different tools for different situations and client presentations
Assessment 4 - Different types of clients
Complete this table
Development expectation
Parental involvement
15 year old (Youth)
20 year old (youth)
40 year old
1. Discuss working with older people with regard to the following:
1. consideration of existing comorbidities
2. interactions with other medications
3. working collaboratively with aged care service providers and those providing home-based supports to older people
4. awareness of issues related to the use of addictive prescription medications
2. Explain how it is differences between working with male and female clients
3. Explain how culture can affect your work role and how you engage with clients
4. If your client speaks another language, discuss the implications of your work with this person.
5. Your client is Aboriginal. Discuss the implications and the possible impact of trauma on this client.
6. Explain mandated and voluntary clients.
7. Discuss the implications on this group of the following:
1. willingness to participate
2. readiness for, and commitment to change
8. Explain how a client may be affected if they were forced to migrate rather than volunteered.
Assessment 5 - Mental Health
This unit requires you to understand the considerations when working with clients at risk of self-harm, suicide or with mental health issues. If you have a client that you feel may be at risk, explain your actions in the following instances:
1. Demonstrates suicidal or self-harming behaviour, ideation or intention
2. Explain the risk assessment procedures
3. What are the safety planning and other management strategies>
4. Explain the links between predisposing factors for suicide, self-harm and other mental health issues
5. What are the legal and ethical obligations?
6. When and how to negotiate a no-suicide contract with client?
Assessment 6 - Types of Drugs
Complete this table to demonstrate your knowledge of different types of drugs and their signs and symptoms
Type of drug
Administration Method
Signs and symptoms
1. Discuss tolerance and dose levels
2. Explain the stages and symptoms of withdrawal
3. Research current and emerging trends in drug types and their use and discuss one current issue.
4. Explain each of the following patterns of drug use:
a. experimental
b. recreational/social
c. situational
d. dependence
5. Discuss the consequences and effects of drug substitution/replacement
6. Explain poly drug use, common drug interactions and effects of prescribed drugs on the use of other drugs.
Assessment 7 - Health issues
For people with Alcohol or Drug Addictions discuss the following
1. malnutrition
2. blood borne diseases
3. skin infestations
4. effects of drug use on health, cognitive, social, emotional development and impact on others.