Demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132191790 , Length: 8 pages

Learning outcomes:

1. To comprehensively evaluatetheories of leadership / motivation / change management and their effective implementation in an international context.

2. To critically appreciate the management of diversity in a cross-cultural context.

Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes.

1. Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field.

2. Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way, which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding.

3. Develop and enhance individually and/or collaboratively effective written and/or oralcommunication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Task details and instructions: Read the case study at the end of this assignment brief and then complete the following tasks:

Write a report explaining why Jan may be encountering the difficulties he is facing and to make recommendations as to how he should proceed, in order to implement this change successfully.

Your report should address the following:

1. The people management issues that potentially underpin the difficulties Jan is facing - 900 words.

2. The steps that Jan should take in the short and medium term, to get the launch of the new product back on track - 1200 words.

3. The leadership style(s) that Jan should adopt in this process, including the reasons why - 600 words.

4. Any decisions or support that might be needed at board level to help improve this situation - 300 words.

Your answer should be written as a report, with headings and sub-headings.

You should draw on and reference theories of leadership and change management*

Reference no: EM132191790

Questions Cloud

The legislative history of the law : The legislative history of the law, which includes its original sponsor and the Committees involved in its development.
Attention to the strategies of rivals : In an oligopolistic market, firms pay close attention to the strategies of their rivals. In monopolistic competition, with a large number of sellers
Is partisan gerrymandering a justiciable issue : Briefly explain the arguments of both parties to the case, plaintiffs and defendants, with respect to gerrymandering in Wisconsin.
Approach to problem solving in the future : How do you intend on altering your approach to problem solving in the future? If you could select one (1) aspect that you encountered over this term
Demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding : Develop and enhance individually and/or collaboratively effective written and/or oralcommunication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences
Focus on the long run or the short run : Do you think our government should focus on the long run or the short run? Why do you feel that way?
What is the difference in the application : Do their leadership characteristics align with the same style(s) of leadership that you chose?
Identify at least three effects on political ideologies : Identify at least three effects on political ideologies that arise from the existence of only two major political parties in the U.S.
Discuss the impact of the declaration of sentiments : Discuss the impact of the Declaration of Sentiments and the Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) on the first wave of feminism and American society.


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