Demonstrates effective application of design elements

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131227721

Individual: Website Development

Using the course software, create the first page (home/index page) for your website that demonstrates effective application of design elements based on your website plan.

Include the following:

• A single page named index.html
• Effective use of color, images and font
• Proper page markup language

Save your website page as index.html.

Validate your HTML code using the Markup Validation Service on the W3C website, ( prior to submitting your web page(s).

Note: Your website does not need to be fully functional (for example, links may not work yet), but it should open up in a browser and include all design elements. Incomplete portions of the page should include text to indicate what is planned for that area.

Reference no: EM131227721

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  Creating functions through conditional operator

Use the conditional operator and the cal_days_in_month function, determine the number of days in the current month and output to browser whether it is normal month or a leap month.

  Web development projects with database

Since the vast majority of web-development projects involve a database, do you think that computational activities should be performed there, or do you think they belong in the XML page or stylesheet?

  Comparing shelf software packages

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  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

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  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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