Reference no: EM131410938
You will submit a project that includes a demonstrated prewriting technique, a topic sentence outline, and a draft essay that resulted from your prewriting and outline. Completing this assignment is part of a final capstone paper which will be submitted during Unit 5.
Specifically, you will complete the following:
Select a topic question from the topic list.
Identify and use at least 1 invention or prewriting strategy (mind mapping, brainstorming, listing, freewriting, etc.).
Develop a thesis statement and 3 strong supporting subtopics.
Create a topic sentence outline (scheme strategy).
Prepare a first-draft essay.
Note: Your submission should be double-spaced with 12 point font and 1" margins and include your prewriting, outline, and 500-word-minimum first-draft essay.
Compute the amount of exchange gain or loss
: Sold merchandise to Royal Equipment Company (a United Kingdom company) in exchange for an account receivable in the amount of 320,000 pounds. At the time, the exchange rate was 0.50 British pound per U.S. dollar.
Discuss building blocks of developing a market pay system
: Post on Building Blocks- Discuss the basic building blocks of developing a market competitive pay system, including the relationship between internal and external equity.
To study the effects of alcohol on decision making
: To study the effects of alcohol on decision making, a graduate student interviewed college students after they had left a campus bar. With a portable breathalyzer, he registered their blood alcohol levels
Types of bias played role in producing disastrous results
: Discuss the extent to which each of the following types of bias played a role in producing the disastrous results, if at all.
Demonstrated prewriting technique
: You will submit a project that includes a demonstrated prewriting technique, a topic sentence outline, and a draft essay that resulted from your prewriting and outline
Provide a brief overview of the job evaluation process
: Provide a brief overview of the job evaluation process, including the importance of compensable factors. Detail the compensable factors of a position you are familiar with and their impact on that position's salary.
Discuss the reasons underlying the 2008 amounts
: Compute the actual write-offs recognized by JPMorgan Chase in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Comment on JPMorgan Chase's annual estimates. Discuss the reasons underlying the 2008 amounts.
What is the margin of error for the survey
: What is the margin of error for the survey?- Give an interval of values that probably covers the true percentage of the population that saw the UFO.
What lessons can be gleaned from the experiences
: What lessons can be gleaned from the experiences that occurred as the manager entered a foreign environment. What could have been done better? Use the text and any outside references, but cite all references used