Reference no: EM132482419 , Length: word count:3000
The assignment brief is set by CIPS and all assignments are validated to ensure a standard approach. The purpose of each assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to research, analyse and problem solve in different situations. You will be expected to approach your assignment work from a procurement and supply context, addressing the brief directly and undertaking the tasks required. The assignment will relate directly to the specified module content and is marked using the assessment criteria provided as an appendix to this guide.
Read carefully the assignment title and guidance for candidates. The assignment will identify which modules it is designed to assess. Use the relevant content from the stated modules as the basis of your assignment. It will help you structure your planning and research. Ensure you plan your assignment to meet all of its requirements.
Assignment - main body
CIPS recommends a short introduction to the assignment to set the scene. You may wish to take the opportunity to introduce your company or the business environment relevant to your assignment, define any relevant terms, explain the scope of your assignment, the approach you have taken, any exclusions and assumptions.
Assignments should have a good balance of relevant underpinning theory, tools or models and practical application (use of examples from your organisation, or one with which you are familiar). You must select appropriate models to demonstrate knowledge and application. It is suggested you consult and reflect upon the programme content for the relevant module(s) in the first instance and conduct an audit of the theories, tools and models etc., in order to identify those which may be appropriate for your assignment.
For any theories, tools or models that you include, your assignment should contain a brief description and justification of its selection in relation to your analysis.
You should ensure you include discussion on how it was used and what information was generated from it - interpret the findings of your analysis. Avoid citing models, tools etc., without applying them within your analysis as this will gain no marks. You may wish to use tables or diagrams to demonstrate your application of relevant tools or models.
When including information about the theories, tools and models etc. within your assignment, narrative should be integrated in to the content of your assignment. Assignment submissions which simply skip from one model or tool, for example, to the next, without linking them in some way or consolidating them in conclusions, will be unlikely to demonstrate the extent of your comprehension of the module content and your ability to apply it to practical business situations.
Providing a sound argument for selection and application of a particular theory, model, tool or technique - highlighting why it is appropriate, its strengths and weaknesses/limitations (as well as your findings) - is likely to be awarded higher marks.
The positioning of models/tools and techniques will depend on a number of factors, but ideally you should aim for a good balance of discussion and visual impact. It is a matter of personal judgement and preference, but, essentially they should be relevant and visually enhance the work, enabling the reader to grasp the flow of your discussion. You should also consider:
• The strength and possible limitations of the model for the task
• The quality and depth of information contained within your assignment
• Appropriateness for the subject matter
• Whether large pieces of supporting evidence for an argument may be better placed in the Appendices
The application and insight section of the assessment criteria is the most heavily weighted. It is important to demonstrate your ability to apply relevant tools, theories, models etc., according to the modules content and the assignment title. The outcomes of your application will generate evidence which you must present within your assignment submission.
Attachment:- Corporate Award Programme.rar