Demonstrate your ability to interact on an academic subject

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133499899

Case Study: This week you are required to contribute two meaningful posts of at least one paragraph each (5 sentences minimum) to TWO of the discussion threads I have posted below of your choosing. You will choose which threads you post in from the selection of topic threads I have posted below. You can comment on the topic, or respond to one of your classmates posts. However, to earn a full 5 points on each posting, you must show knowledge of the week's chapter concepts and illustrate your mastery of the week's concepts through your discussion posting. This is your chance to 'prove' you completed the readings and fully comprehend the concepts presented. Simply cutting and pasting from the internet or listing information is not sufficient for credit. Your post must encourage conversation, present new information and if information is gathered from sources, you MUST cite them. Earning 5/5 for a posting required effort and citation, not mere opinion!

In order to respond to a threaded discussion, you must click 'Reply' under that topic and post your discussion within that threaded discussion. In order to expand/decrease a topic's thread to view it you can click on the box below this posting with the arrow in it, and you can hover your mouse over the top line of a threaded discussion until a blue arrow appears and click on the blue arrow to expand the threaded discussion.

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to interact on an academic subject with other students as you refine your understanding of the subject. You are expected to use concepts and terms acquired during this course. For the BEST possible grade, statements must provide evidence that you understand the reading and electure assignments. Your statements should also reflect that you have read other student's postings. For the BEST possible grade, your arguments, opinions or thoughts on the topic must be supported with references. You must interact with your fellow students and stimulate conversation amongst them. Simply stating an opinion or 'I agree' is not acceptable academic discussion, nor is copy and pasting information.


Reference no: EM133499899

Questions Cloud

Advise harris as to what equitable rights he may have : Advise Harris as to what equitable rights he may have against Maya. Support your answer with relevant case law. NT Australia
Review the section of the ohsa that outlines requirements : Review the section of the OHSA that outlines requirements for Workplace Violence and Harassment prevention. Summarize the legal requirements
Would your suggestion be different if ralph and alice wanted : What would you suggest they do? Would your suggestion be different if Ralph and Alice wanted to raise $500 million? $50,000
States may still take an active role in in passing laws : States may still take an active role in in passing laws pertaining to identity theft to the extent they don't contradict the supreme law of the land
Demonstrate your ability to interact on an academic subject : demonstrate your ability to interact on an academic subject with other students as you refine your understanding of the subject. You are expected to use concept
How did original source differ from the source you read : Did you find the original source? What did it say, and how did that differ from the source you read?
Which the university of washington was the defendant : parallel citation to a Washington State Supreme Court opinion decided within the last 5 years in which the University of Washington was the Defendant
Consider what is being communicated through each : Consider what is being communicated through each of the financial statements you prepared (income statement, statement of equity and balance sheet)
Advise anna in two circumstances : Advise Anna in two circumstances. First, if the mortgage were signed in 2010 and secondly, if the mortgage were signed in 2015.


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