Demonstrate worst possible data visualization composition

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Reference no: EM132472437

Assignment: Kirk (2016) states composition is reviewing every visual property of the design. The final layer of design thinking concerned composition: how to position, arrange and size all the chart elements, interactive controls and annotated components across the entire project and the construction decisions within each chart. Meeting the optimum readability and meeting the intent of the project is the objective. Dividing composition into project-level and chart-level composition options can help review and address areas of opportunities.

Pretend you are now the designer developing new composition choices in the face of having to accommodate new contextual factors listed below. Provide two project-level and two chart-level composition options to address each of the three listed below and provide the reasoning for each option.

1. You had to demonstrate the worst possible data visualization composition practices (in the same space)

2. You had to force yourself to use as small a space as reasonably possible

3. You have to transpose the work from landscape > portrait or vice-versa

4. The initial data provided includes scales that will not fit onto one page, but a refresh of the data is indicating a change is needed

5. The trustworthiness of the entire project is being questioned by upper management

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student's name, University's name, Course name, Course number, Professor's name, and Date.

Reference no: EM132472437

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