Demonstrate use of statistical techniques in Business data

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM133646714 , Length: word count:3000

Statistics and Decision Analysis

Case Study
The current dataset is related to the basic items from grocery section of 4 different hypermarkets in Malaysia (Giant: 1, Tesco : 2, Aeon :3 , Mydin : 4). Data were collected from three different sates (Selangor: 1, Penang: 2, Pahang: 3) and from Metropolitans (1) and other places (2). You are appointed as a senior consultant of Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism - KPDNKK and asked to write the official report based on the collected data.

FORMAT of your report - to include:
An Executive Summary (100 to 150 words). In this section you summarise the main conclusions of the report in business language. It should describe the primary purpose of the study, the general methodology used, the significant finding(s), as well as key conclusions and recommendations.

A Table of Contents with page numbers
Business Problem as given in the question in business language.
Analytics problem using the language of analytics (Parts 1 and 2).
Analysis: This section should present and discuss the results from all the analyses conducted. Outline required steps and show necessary computer output. Clearly label tables and graphs (Parts 1 and 2).

Conclusion: This section should briefly review the study, summarize the inference(s) stemming from it, and highlight the evidence supporting each inference. Where appropriate, indicate the limitations of the results. The conclusions should be written in business language and in terms of the variables under discussion.

Part One (1,000 words)

TIP: By the end of Week 3 Lesson, you should have learnt enough to work on, and complete Part 1 of this assignment.
You are required use the Hypermarket Dataset (attached) and demonstrate the following knowledge and skills in part one of your report:
Demonstrate the use of visualizing data in presentation of real world data;
Demonstrate the use of basic statistical concepts such as mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of variation in business data;
Demonstrate the use of computer software to get necessary output.
Demonstrate the skills of preparation of a managerial report.


Visually present data for the prices of Basic Staple basket at different supermarkets. Calculate descriptive statistics for the prices of Basic Staple basket at different supermarkets. Comments on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.

Visually present data for the prices of Basic Staple basket across three States among the supermarkets. Calculate descriptive statistics for the prices of Basic Staple basket across three States among the supermarkets. Comments on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.

Visually present data for the prices of Basic Staple basket Basic Staple basket at different locations among the supermarkets. Calculate descriptive statistics for the prices of Basic Staple basket at different locations among the supermarkets. Comments on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.

Visually present data for the prices of Basic Staple basket of Giant stores in three states. Calculate descriptive statistics for the prices of Basic Staple basket of Giant stores in three states. Comments on the location, shape and variability of those distributions.

Part Two (1,500 words)
You are required to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills in this part two
Demonstrate the use of statistical techniques in Business data;
Demonstrate how to conduct hypothesis tests about mean, proportions and difference of means;
Demonstrate the use of computer software to get necessary output.
Demonstrate the skills of preparation of a managerial report


During the inquiry it was argued that there are differences in supermarket prices at different locations. How do you test that there is a significant difference of average prices at different locations for supermarkets? What do you find from your analysis?

Giant claims that they have a national pricing policy; the policy excludes fresh fruit, vegetables and regional bakery lines. How do you test whether there is significant difference of average prices of Giant stores in different locations? What do you find from your analysis?
Test the claim that average price of Basic Staple basket in Penang is significantly different compared to the in Selangor.

Two larger supermarket chains, Aeon and Tesco control nearly 70% of the grocery market. During the inquiry it argued that the larger buying power of those chains makes them cheaper than other supermarkets. On the other hand, another group argued that there is no significant difference of grocery prices among supermarkets. Using the data collected, how do you test the claim that there is no significant difference of the average prices for the Basic Staple basket at different supermarkets? What do you find from your analysis?

During the inquiry it was argued that there is a difference in supermarket prices across States due to the different size of the markets in each State, transportation costs and other costs. How do you test that there is a significant difference of average prices across three States? What do you find from your analysis?

Reference no: EM133646714

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