Demonstrate understanding of principles of operating system

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13852392

You should complete the following tasks for the given business scenario.

You are one of a team of newly graduated software engineers working on a project to build the infrastructure of an organization with an intensive and data sensitive internal operations to provide its staff (peers) with a contemporary internal information system. You have been asked to recommend an operating system with high availability and scalability (from a few individuals to several hundred) for its implementation choosing from either Ubuntu or Windows. Moreover it has to be able to leverage an appropriate level of both protection and secure seamless access to the organization data and with services, applications and features. You should write a short report recommending a choice of operating system(s) for use in the organisation. The customer has no expertise of the technologies and topics. You may assume that the organization is being advised by a consultant who has a BSc in Computer Science, but not in this area.

The report needs to demonstrate an understanding and awareness of the distinctions between the varieties of relevant issues allowing the isolation and identification of the key concepts and principles of the operating systems. Your writing should be of an appropriate academic quality and in the third person. Your arguments should be succinct, and supported by correctly cited resources using the Harvard referencing system. There is no "right" answer, but your suggestions and opinions need to be backed up by evidence and/or discussion. Please remember that all of your answers must be related to the organisation's needs within the context of the report. Your report should not be more than 2,000 words in length.

Reference no: EM13852392

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