Demonstrate the successful creation of a simple web database

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131559812

AWS Database and Web App Demonstration


In this homework, you will demonstrate the successful creation of a simple web database application using your choice AWS databases, and free tier web application servers. There are examples provided in the links in week 5, 6 and 7. You can develop a Java-based web application or a Window .NET-based web application.

Database application. Once again, be sure you understand how the free-tier models work to avoid any charges. You will need to use the EC2 and S3 server models you previously used to assist in the project. Essentially, you will spin those servers up and configure the software for supporting the database and web application.

The Web application should be simple. It should consist of at least two Web pages with data being transferred between a Web browser and the cloud application and make use of the database for storage, updates or reads as needed.

As an example you could create a simple login form that allows a user to login and then update their user information. You are welcome to make the Web application more complex. The AWS can be relational or no SQL-based. It should be simple with no more than a 3-4 tables.

For your documentation, you should describe the steps used to successfully complete this assignment, provide screen capture documentation of those steps and discuss any challenges you faced and how you overcame those challenges.

You should also show screen captures and a complete description of your application and you successfully executing it.

Document the server instance names you created and the time spent for each instance. You should be able to monitor the number hours and minutes spent on each server.

Finally, and most importantly, be sure to shut down each instance to avoid any additional charges to your account.

Your document should be well-organized, well-written and provide all references used for your research. There should be minimal spelling and grammatical errors.

Reference no: EM131559812

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