Demonstrate the skills and knowledge required

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133184655

Assessment Task - Skills Test

Use hygienic practices for food safety

Skills Test:

This task is to be completed in a commercial kitchen. The RTO will either arrange a simulated commercial kitchen for you or take you to a workplace where you will have access to a commercial kitchen.

At the commercial kitchen, your RTO will provide you with the following facilities, equipment and resources:
• Foodservice and food safety program policies and procedures (Provided along with this unit)
• Foodservice facilities, equipment and utensils for handling, storing and disposing of food and beverages
• Personal protective clothing (for working in freezers) and Wound dressings
• Food and beverages
• Cleaning equipment
• Hand washing facilities and equipment

You will need to arrange and wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
At the commercial kitchen, you are required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to comply with personal hygiene, maintain food safety, contribute to the cleanliness of food handling areas and dispose of food. This includes:
• Washing hands by following correct handwashing procedures for at least 4 appropriate times
• Cleaning and tidying up work areas at least two (2) times to avoid contamination and pests
• Follow disposing procedures to dispose of at least two food items
• Identify, correcting and reporting at least two (2) processes or practices that are not consistent with the food safety program.

To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to comply with personal hygiene, maintain food safety, contribute to the cleanliness of food handling areas and dispose of food, you must:
• Follow predetermined policies and procedures as outlined in a food safety program. (This "food safety program" is provided along with the assessment).
• Comply with the requirements contained within the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
• Comply with "Personal Hygiene Standards". This document is provided along with the assessment.
You must complete the following subtasks.

The kitchen in receiving delivery items from the supplier. The food items include:
• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Grains, Beans and Nuts
• Meat and Poultry
• Fish and Seafood
• Sachets: sugar, spreads, Jam, tomato sauce, coffee and tea.
• Dairy Foods
• Frozen products Your Supervisor has asked you to take these deliveries, handle and store food. You have an infected sore.

Subtask 1: Handle food

Part A:
In this subtask, you are required to handle food.
The food has to be handled in accordance with the following:
• Organisational food safety program.
• Policies and procedures in the food safety program
• Personal Hygiene Standards.
The student must ensure that they wash their hands:
• before handling food;
• between handling raw food and food that is ready to eat, such as cooked food and salads;
• after using the toilet;
• after smoking, coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose, eating or drinking;

• after touching hair, scalp, mouth, nose or ear canal; and
• after handling the rubbish and other waste.
Before handling food, you must:
• ervisor that you have an infected sore.
Report to the sup
• Follow organisation procedures participation in food services.for continuing particip
Follow organisation requirements for wearing bandages and dressings:
completely cover the infected sore by a bandage and clothing or by a waterproof covering if on an area
• of bare skin.
Use medication to dry up discharges.
• Wear appropriate clothing, personal protective clothing and footwear.
• Follow personal hygiene procedures and maintain cleanliness to avoid contamination.
When handling food, you must:

Follow food safety program, i.e. you must take all practicable measures to ensure that the received food is safe and suitable for human consumption. This means that you must make ensure that:
• Food is not contaminated with bacteria, chemicals or other things that should not be in food.
• Identify- appropriate times for handwashing and follow correct handwashing procedures. (As given in Personal Hygiene Standards document)
• Is at the correct temperature when it arrives and identifies if it is potentially hazardous.
o if it is chilled - at a temperature of 5°C or below;
o if it is hot - at a temperature of 60°C or above;
o if it is frozen - frozen hard and not partly thawed;
• Complete food safety monitoring processes. Complete the checklist given below.
Checks Yes No
Check that the temperature of potentially hazardous foods received from all suppliers
is 5°C or below for cold food and 60°C or above for hot food;
Check that frozen food is received frozen hard (not partially thawed);
Check that packaging isn't damaged, and that food has no immediate signs of contamination;
Check that all products are within their 'best before' or 'use by' date;
Store single-use items appropriately to avoid damage and contamination

Use the template provided and document: o Food hazards.
o Non-conforming practices.
o Controls implemented
o Corrective actions for incidents where food hazards are not controlled.

Part B: During the last leg of the task of food handling, you have noticed that blood is coming out of the bandage any
could lead to food contamination. Therefore, you are required to do the following:
• Isolate the last handle food item and cease participation in food handling activities.
• Report the incident of food contamination which has resulted from a personal health issue to your supervisor.
• Fill the given incident report in line with organisation procedures.

Assessment Pack
Subtask 2. Store food.

Subtask 2.1.

After receiving the delivery, the supervisor wants you to:
• Store the food items.
• Clean and tidy the storage area after the items are stored.
When storing the food items, he wants you to follow the following workplace measures to prevent pests from entering food premises:
• Never store foodstuff on the floor.
• Make sure all holes and cracks are sealed.
• Make sure waste is regularly disposed of.
In this subtask, you are required to store food.
The food has to be stored in accordance with the following:
• Use safe food handling practices and correct methods of controlling food hazards when storing food (Use relevant information from organisational food safety program).
• Follow policies and procedures in the food safety program.
• Follow Personal Hygiene Standards.
Before storing the food, you must:
• Wear appropriate clothing, personal protective clothing and footwear to ensure the following:
o Prevent food contamination from clothing and other items worn
o Prevent unnecessary direct contact with ready to eat food
o Hygienic personal contact with food and food contact surfaces
• Follow personal hygiene procedures and maintain cleanliness to avoid contamination.
• Identify appropriate times for handwashing and follow correct handwashing procedures. (As given in Personal Hygiene Standards document).
When storing the food, you must:
• Select food storage conditions for specific food type. Store food in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Check if the food requires:

o Cold storage Frozen storage
• Store food in environmental conditions that protect against contamination and maximise freshness. quality anc appearance.
o Check the food storage area for contamination. Contamination can be the result of pests (cockroaches, rats, flies, weevils, etc.); cleaning chemicals stored above or next to foods: or from excessive humidity.
• Store food at controlled temperatures considering the type and ensure that frozen items remain frozen during storage
• Identify and report processes and practices that not consistent with the food safety program. a Note: Trainer/assessor must ensure that some food containers are placed on the floor.
• Document 'corrective actions' taken
• Store single-use items appropriately to avoid damage and contamination.
• Clean and tidy work areas to avoid contamination and pests.
• Complete the templates provided below:
o Food storage sheet.
c Hazard identification form.

The supervisor has asked you to store the food items. When storing the food items, you have identified a strong
of ammonia (rodent urine) and some small black droppings about the size of rice grains.
In this subtask, you are required to identify the indicators of pest presence in the storeroom and report it to the supervisor You must communicate the following to the supervisor (trainer/assessor):
• Indicators of pest.
• Type of pest based on the indicators

Subtask 3: Prepare food for cooking and clean the area

Subtask 3.1. Prepare food for cooking
In this subtask, you are required to use safe food handling practices and correct methods of controlling food to prepare food for cooking.
The information about the cooking dish will be explained by the trainer/assessor.
When preparing food, you must:
• Wear appropriate clothing, personal protective clothing and footwear.
• Follow personal hygiene procedures and maintain cleanliness to avoid contamination.
• Identify appropriate times for handwashing and follow correct handwashing procedures. (As given in Personal Hygiene Standards document).
• Ensure that the following hazards are prevented:
Biological - in the right conditions, bacteria will multiply;
Physical - caused by things that should not be in food, like dirt, hair, glass or stones;
Chemical - caused by chemicals, such as cleaning agents, detergents and fly sprays.
• Use cooling and heating processes that support the microbiological safety of food.
o Use 2 hour/4 hour rule: Use time and temperature control to keep food safe during preparation.

• Monitor food temperature during preparation using a thermometer to achieve microbiological safety.
• Complete the temperature control template provided.
• Identify at least two (2) food items for disposal and follow food disposal procedures given in the food safety program.

Subtask 3.2. Clear the work area
After preparing the food for cooking, you are required to clean the work area to avoid conta
To do so, you need to:
• rIlli
Ensure that all items that come into contact with food must be effectively cleaned and sanitised. This is a 4-step process that removes food waste, dirt, grease and destroys food-borne disease pathogens.
o Step 1 - Preparation
• Remove loose dirt and food particles.
• Rinse with warm, potable water.
o Step 2 - Cleaning
• Wash with hot water (60 °C) and detergent.
• Rinse with clean potable water.
o Step 3 - Sanitising (bacteria-killing stage)
• Treat with very hot, clean, potable water (75 °C) for at least 2 minutes.
• Apply sanitiser as directed on the label.
o Step 4 - Air drying
• Leave benches, counters and equipment to air dry. The most hygienic way to dry equipment is in a draining rack.

Reference no: EM133184655

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