Demonstrate the knowledge regarding aging

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Reference no: EM133590617

Question: Write an interview paper and an interview questions and answers.

Interview Paper

The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the knowledge regarding aging that you have gained from the course and to compare this knowledge with the unique aging experience of an individual. The final paper will be evaluated on selection of appropriate life history content AND inclusion of relevant material from class. The paper should not be written in question-answer format (i.e., I asked this, he/she said this) but as a report, a story that tells about the person's life and experiences with aging. The quality of your writing (organization, grammar, syntax, and spelling) will be assessed as part of your grade.

In your paper, you should not identify the individual by name. Instead, use initials or an assumed name (identified as such). Do not include other information that could identify that individual (e.g., president of a specific company). In general, protect confidentiality while providing descriptive information.

Formatting: the report should be 3-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font and 1-inch margins. Include page numbers. Organize your report into the following sections (History, Aging Topics, and Learning) and label each section (e.g., General Aging: Physical Development, Psychological Aging: Career Development).

Brief History (length: .5 page)
Describe your interviewee's life chronologically (from early life to today), highlighting events of importance (e.g., birth year, early family and economic situation, schooling, military and/or career history, marriage/partnership history, children, grandchildren, current living situation, current activities). This section of the paper is intended to provide basic information about the individual. Also provide current demographic information (e.g., present age, general area in which he/she lives).

Interview Findings in Relation to Topics of Aging (length: 2-4 pages)

Relate the interviewee's experiences and views to four major topics covered in the course (either in the text or in lecture). Organize the paper so that each topic is addressed in turn, under a separate heading. If you are unsure of what "counts" as a topic or adequate coverage, please ask the instructor. The topics should have been approved during the submission of questions earlier in the semester.

Although you may have covered more than five aging topics during the interview, please limit your paper to 4 topics (to allow for adequate coverage within the space allotted).

One of the topics should relate to general aging
Three of the topics should relate to psychological aging

Demonstrate that you understand the concept/topic and have not just thrown it in. The topic should be covered in a thoughtful and organized manner. Introduce and explain concepts related to the topic.

Describe the current knowledge of this topic as it pertains to aging. You do not need to cover all information on a topic; instead, focus on certain relevant concepts or pieces of information. Sufficient coverage of a topic involves turning to the text and lecture notes to retrieve specific information. Describe whether your interviewee's views and experiences correspond to the information provided in class, and if not, how it differs. For example:

"Consistent with the universality of presbyopia, J.T. started wearing reading glasses at 51 (although most people notice changes in their 40s). She uses the glasses primarily when reading newspapers or novels. She finds this change in vision annoying, because she cannot find her reading glasses when she needs them. She wishes product makers would reconsider the size of print of important information, like dosages on a medicine bottle. Fortunately, J.T. has not experienced other visual changes. Visual deficits increase with age, so in the coming decades there is a chance that she will experience increased glare sensitivity, cataracts, or glaucoma."

IMPORTANT: At a minimum, include three distinct pieces of information from the course (lecture or text) for each topic on aging (12 pieces of course-related information total). This information must go beyond term definitions. If the instructor feels that you have not adequately incorporated course material, she may return the paper to you to revise, with 10 points deducted for failure to follow the directions (in addition to points deducted for not meeting criteria). The revised paper must be submitted by the end of finals week (Friday) to be given credit. If the revised version meets the assignment requirements (3 pieces of information per topic), the paper may be awarded back the points based on grading rubric below but will still receive a 10-point penalty.

Learning Impact
Provide your reactions to having completed the interview and report. List at least two things you have learned (beyond specific information gathered during the interview or knowledge gained from the text). What insights have you gained about the aging process or life in general after completing this assignment? What new knowledge or attitudes could you apply to your own life or to your understanding of aging? What did you learn about your own feelings or thoughts about aging?
Selecting, scheduling, and meeting with an interviewee

Select an interviewee
Belongs to the developmental stage selected (interview parent for infant/toddler or minor)
Not a family member, if possible. Instead, seek out a neighbor, family friend, classmate, co-worker, friend's grandparent, etc. The goal of this assignment is to learn about an experience that differs from what you are familiar with at home and with your family.
Lives in the community (not in a nursing home or an assisted living facility unless approved by the instructor)

Schedule the interview
Schedule the interview early. The interviewee may not be available on short notice. Have an
alternative interview candidate in mind in case your first choice declines or is unavailable.
Let the interview candidate know the purpose of the interview and approximate length (the time can vary significantly based on how much they talk, ranging from 30-60 minutes). Explain that you are taking a class about development and aging and that you would like to interview them on their thoughts and experiences about lifespan development.

Explain that you will be sharing information gained from the interview in a class presentation and in a written paper, but that his/her identity will not be revealed.

Give the interview candidate choices for the interview location. Due to COVID, give them the option for a remote interview (e.g., Zoom, FaceTime, phone). If you both want to meet in person, I would first suggest a public location (e.g., mall, campus, library, or coffee shop), although some will be most comfortable in their homes. Please be respectful of their wishes (e.g., wearing a mask), but remember that you should not do anything you are not comfortable with (e.g., meeting alone in their home, meeting with them if they will not wear a mask or are unvaccinated). If you two are unable to arrive at an interview setting that you are both comfortable with, consider asking someone else.

Conduct the interview
Make it clear at the beginning of the interview that the interviewee can refuse to answer questions
that make him/her uncomfortable, and that he/she can terminate the interview at any point.
If you plan to tape record the interview, get permission first.
Allow plenty of time for the interviewee to respond and elaborate. Sometimes this means that there will be quiet moments while the interviewee reflects. Offer to repeat or rephrase questions if needed. Encourage the interviewee to provide as many details as possible and ask for clarification or elaboration if needed.
Thank the interviewee for their time. (A thank you card is a nice touch.)

Submit the "Completed Interview". This document will contain your questions and the responses made by the interviewee (like a script of your interview). This submission allows me to see any last-minute changes you made to your questions (i.e., for clarification or if the interviewee was not comfortable with some questions). This submission is also a way to help you stay on schedule with the interview so that you have plenty of time to work on the final paper.

Reference no: EM133590617

Questions Cloud

Which do you believe represent the greatest threat to the us : Which do you believe represents the greatest threat to the United States? Which group presents the greatest threat, if any, to your organization?
Why do historians use citations : Why do historians use citations. Think about questions such as why it is we cite, what happens when we do not, what types of things we cite, and so on.
How have unions been a force of change : How have unions been a force of change? What are some advantages and disadvantages of unions as it relates to healthcare employees?
What roadblocks do you think would present themselves : What roadblocks do you think would present themselves in the development and what would you suggest overcoming these?
Demonstrate the knowledge regarding aging : Demonstrate the knowledge regarding aging that you have gained from the course and to compare this knowledge with the unique aging experience
What key components have you identified in the command arena : What other component parts should be included as part of an assessment? What key components have you identified in the command arena?
What you thought the best way to trace one roots and history : what you thought the best way to trace one's roots and history would be if you were to bypass the era of slavery. How do you think Black Americans
Create a realistic factual scenario describing a pattern : Create a realistic factual scenario describing a pattern of sophisticated behavior by a former intimate partner that would violate the cyberstalking statute.
What type of society and social order started to develop : what ways does the author think that the arrival of the Spaniards changed Peru? What type of society and social order started to develop in Peru



12/8/2023 11:06:48 PM

I would you to write for me an interview paper and an interview questions and answers. I have attached the instructions on how it should be written. Please follow the instructions, it has to be 4-5 pages. I have attached examples you can use to guide you. Please let me if you have any more questions.

Write a Review

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