Demonstrate the course competency of global engagement

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133734961


This assignment asks you to demonstrate the course competency of Global Engagement by considering different perspectives on a problem or controversy related to Modern US History and attempting to reach a resolution about it. The ability to understand different perspectives is not only a critical skill for historians, it is a skill that is essential to functioning as a well-informed citizen in society today. This assignment asks you to write an editorial piece that attempts to persuade your audience on an issue of contemporary relevance.

  • A letter to the editor on a very specific issue pertaining to civic engagement in our contemporary world.
  • Demonstrate respectful disagreement or persuasion.

Imagine you are writing a 'letter to the editor' or an editorial on a very specific issue pertaining to civic engagement in our contemporary world.

  • Demonstrate in your letter how some incident, writing, or challenge from U.S. History (that we have studied this semester) may provide some guidance in addressing this contemporary issue
  • Your letter should demonstrate expertise and a high level of research. You may include endnotes and references if you so choose.
  • Advocate in your editorial a specific course of action that may help to address the challenge you wish to address. The specific course of action you advocate should be informed by the lessons of the past.
  • Your editorial may certainly engage in critique, but it should model civility, respect for alternative views, and, above all, it should address theory, science, and/or policy, and not engage in ad hominem attack or obloquy.

Your editorial will be evaluated on the quality of your analysis, on the relevance of your recommendations to U.S. History, on the clarity, complexity, innovative nuance, and persuasiveness of your argument, on its adherence to basic mechanics of writing (good grammar, spelling, organization, etc.), and on its tone (civility and respectfulness).

You will NOT be evaluated on whether or not I, personally, or anyone else in the class agrees with your position. Nor will you be evaluated on the degree to which you, personally, agree with what your editorial advocates.

Reference no: EM133734961

Questions Cloud

Which percentile rank does the nurse recognize : Which percentile rank does the nurse recognize as a normal progression of growth and development for an infant who was previously in the 90th percentile?
Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs : The nurse in a mental health clinic is interviewing. Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client need assistance to restore and maintain mental health?
Discuss francisco de goyas painting : Examine and discuss in detail Francisco de Goya's painting, The Third of May, 1808 created in 1815-16.
Which would the nurse determine because joseph has consented : After a thorough mental health assessment, Joseph is transferred. Which would the nurse determine because Joseph has consented to voluntary admission?
Demonstrate the course competency of global engagement : You to demonstrate the course competency of Global Engagement by considering different perspectives on a problem or controversy related to Modern US History.
Which term refers to the process of working with : Which term refers to the process of working with and/or on behalf of clients to obtain services or resources for clients, to modify policies or practices.
Which type of defense mechanism does the nurse recognize : A client is seen in the emergency department for complaints of chest pain. Which type of defense mechanism does the nurse recognize in this behavior?
What is the correct dose that the nurse should administer : He is 5 feet 6inches tall and weighs 145 pounds, His body surface area is 1.75m2. What is the correct dose that the nurse should administer?
Identify and discuss one social determinant of health : Identify and discuss one social determinant of health that impacted on health and wellbeing of individuals/communities in the project.


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