Demonstrate the class in a program that contains car object

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131914350

A class named Car that has the following fields:

• yearModel: The yearModel field is an int that holds the car's year model.

• make: The make field is a String object that holds the make of the car.

• speed: The speed field is an int that holds the car's current speed. In addition, ?the class should have the following methods:

• Constructor: The constructor should accept the car's year model and make as arguments.

These values should be assigned to the object's yearModel and make fields. The constructor should also assign 0 to the speed field.

• Accessor: The appropriate accessor methods should be implemented to access the values stored in the object's yearModel, make, and speed fields.

• accelerate: The accelerate method should add 5 to the speed field when it is called.

• brake: The brake method should subtract 5 from the speed field each time it is called.

Demonstrate the class in a program that contains a Car object, and then calls the accelerate method five times. After each call to the accelerate method, get the current speed of the car and print it on a separate line. Then, call the brake method five times, each time printing the current speed of the car on a separate line.

Reference no: EM131914350

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