Reference no: EM132362186
Assignment 1 - Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects.
Assessment task 1 - Identify key sections of estimate
Purpose of assessment
To develop a basis for estimate.
Assessment task
Using the project documentation provided in Appendix 4, provide a list of at least ten key items (trades) that you would include in a take-off for the project. Make sure that you include the preliminary costs with items (i.e. building permit) listed.
Before you start this assessment task, read carefully through all other assessment tasks, especially Assessment task 6 to gain better understanding of this task.
Assessment task 2 - Prepare take offs
Purpose of assessment
To demonstrate the ability to take off measurements and create database for estimates. Also, to demonstrate the ability to read and interpret plans and documentation.
Assessment task
Assessment for this task will comprise a series of take offs as part of an overall project to produce the material quantities for the following building trades. Use the list of trades developed in Assessment task 1. Create drawings and/or take off sheets to show key measurements and details required for the detailed estimate. Make sure you use the correct symbols.
Assessment task 3 - Material and plant costs
Purpose of assessment
To identify physical resources requirements for project.
Assessment task
Prepare a list of plant and equipment that needs to be used on-site. Describe how you find out about the costs involved in using these items.
Identify at least three materials in each of these categories and describe how you find out the costs for obtaining those materials. Include the stakeholders you would contact.
• Standard items
• Prime cost items
• Provisional sum items
Assessment task 4 - Subcontractor and supplier quotations
Purpose of assessment
To determine requirements for subcontracting work.
Assessment task
• List three items on this project that could be subcontracted if you do not have in-house capacity to complete the project.
• Develop an invitation to quote for one of the items. Include all necessary information about the project, including take off of quantities.
• Describe the advantages of subcontracting the work.
Assessment task 5 - Labour costs
Purpose of assessment
To identify labour costs
Assessment task
Estimate the hours of labour required to supply and install each key item listed in your take offs used in Assessment task 2
Assessment task 6 - Overall project costs estimate
Purpose of assessment
Develop estimate of project costs.
Assessment task
Based on the information you have collected for previous activities, create a project cost estimate. Set it out in an Excel table or similar format. The following can be used as the key sections of your overall estimate:
• preliminaries
• service connections
• site works
• concrete
• carpentry
• cabinetry
• roof plumbing
• sanitary plumbing
• electrical
• floor, wall and ceiling finishes
• painting.
Assignment 2 - Apply structural principles to residential low rise constructions
Assessment task 1 - Evaluation of Demolition for Residential Low Rise Construction
Purpose of assessment
To analyse and evaluate the proposal to demolish an existing residential low-rise building, which is typical for your local area. This Assessment accounts for 20% of total assessment.
Assessment task
Choose an actual residential low-rise building, which is typical for your local area and analyse the procedures and stages required to carry out the demolition process.
The evaluation should include the following:
• A procedural manual for demolition that conforms to legislative & planning & safe work practices.
• Explanation of the structural principles that form part of the demolition process of your chosen residential low rise construction and why these principles apply
• Identify the structural components of your project (E.g.: columns, slabs etc.) and explain their effects on the demolition of the structure
• Identifying areas of potential hazard due to hazardous materials e.g. asbestos cement in roofing, linings, underlay, etc.
• Disconnection of services, power, water gas in accordance with appropriate standards.
• Identification of materials for recovery and recycling
• Use of a consultant (structural engineer) to assess the demolition sequence
Assessment task 2 - Plan the construction project
Purpose of assessment.
To prepare a plan for the construction of projects.
Assessment task
Prepare a report, from an analysis of the project documentation, which includes provisions for the following:
• Identify and analyse project documentation to assess the adequacy of the structure and the construction practice.
• Identify industry professionals and their roles in the project.
• Assess the requirements of BCA for bushfire or other relevant effects.
• Assess how new and emerging technologies can be applied in the project.
• Prepare a pre-commencement site inspection checklist.
• Produce basic construction programs for a residential low-rise building project, which would be typical for their type in your local area.
The programs should include:
- a list of all on-site activities in relative sequence
- all mandatory inspections - provide additional details of what these inspections Assess
- all other inspections for engineering, finance, progress
Assessment task 3 - Evaluate structural elements
Purpose of assessment
To research and evaluate structural elements
Assessment task
Provide substitute designs for alternative structural elements including members,
bracing & tie-down for:
• Change of stress grade due to the same type of material (e.g. timber)
• change of wind classification (provide reference to the BCA)
• Change of stress due to a different material (e.g. timber vs. steel)
• change of cross-sectional shape
Assessment task 4 - Construction systems (structural components)
Purpose of assessment
Coordinate and manage the construction of projects (structural components)
Assessment task
Provide details on the construction systems adopted for a low-rise residential construction project and how the construction will be coordinated and managed within the project as a whole:
• site evaluation
• excavation
• footings
• floor
• walls
• roof
• waterproofing - general & specific
Assessment task 5 - Construction systems (Non-structural components)
Purpose of assessment
Coordinate and manage the construction of projects (non-structural components)
Assessment task
Provide details on the construction systems adopted for a low-rise residential construction project and how the construction will be coordinated and managed
within the project as a whole:
• claddings
• glazing & joinery
• stairs
• services
• health & amenity, fire, access, air handling
• Environmental impacts - e.g. energy efficiency, water recycling
• waterproofing - general & specific