Reference no: EM131960715
Assignment: Contribution and Participation
Learning Outcomes
a. Assess situations in which statistical analysis may be useful.
b. Apply a range of statistical measures and techniques that may be useful in analysing various situations.
c. Solve statistical problems using analytical methods manually and interpret the results.
d . Solve and interpret appropriate output from statistical computer packages.
e. Demonstrate the ability to apply statistical tools and techniques to solve problems to improve business decision-making process.
Class Participation and Attendance
During the trimester students will discuss various economics issues and cases, which are noted in the prescribed textbook. Active student participation in the lectures and tutorials is essential to the learning process. All students are expected to be prepared for and contribute to the lecture and tutorial discussions.
To assist in your understanding of economics issues, you are encouraged to contribute to in-class discussions. Your participation and interaction with other students will be a major component of the class instruction. Part of your class participation will also be based upon your ability to recognise contemporary economics issues.
As this is a graduate Bachelor of Business unit, regular and active participation in lecture and tutorial discussions is expected from every student each week. Participation in this unit will be compiled and noted for each. Contact your Lecturer/Tutor as soon as possible if you are unable to participate in class discussions for any length of time (e.g., more than two "working" days in a row, weekends not included). Students are expected to ask and answer questions in all discussions. Points for class participation and completion of other class assignments will be recorded. Attendance at 10 lectures and tutorials as a minimum per student, per trimester is expected. Students are expected to participate throughout the entire trimester, including during the training session presentations made by other groups.
Note: Your attendance in class is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for good participation. (Just showing up for work, but not contributing anything to the organisation, would not generally be considered acceptable behaviour in the workplace.) Please participate, and feel free to share your experiences as long as they are relevant.