Demonstrate self-awareness and self-efficacy

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Reference no: EM133424865

Directions: Make an essay by answering the following question:

Consider that you are already graduating from your degree already and you are about be part of the NU Alumni Federation. Think of ways on how you would be able to contribute for the improvement of the University as a whole. What are your recommendations, suggestions to the administrators on how to improve its services? It can be in a form of a letter or a plan wherein you would be able to express your sentiments and gratitude to them during your stay at NU as well. Read carefully the general instruction and be guided with learning outcomes and rubrics.

General Instruction:

This essay paper has a total number of 100 points, so read the following instructions carefully.
Explain in not less than 600 words. Make sure also to add your own title.

Answer and reflect on the main question of the essay by discussing the following leaming outcomes of our class:

Exhibit Nationalian responsibility

Design a strategic plan to personal and professional success

Demonstrate self-awareness and self-efficacy

Reference no: EM133424865

Questions Cloud

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Is the death penalty a good idea or is it a bad policy : One of the most controversial issues involving punishment is the use of the death penalty. What do you think? Is the death penalty a good idea.
Demonstrate self-awareness and self-efficacy : Design a strategic plan to personal and professional success Demonstrate self-awareness and self-efficacy
Why is trader joe known for excellence in customer service : Why is Trader Joe's known for excellence in customer service/customer relations. What strategies/elements stand out to as the ones that could impact
Is any variety of a language inherently better : Is any Variety of a Language Inherently Better than Any Other Variety? Why or why not?
What are your ethical responsibilities : When a client has misgivings about taking a psychiatric medication, what are your ethical responsibilities?
Why would you be willing to see brenda individually : Would you be willing to see Brenda individually? Why or why not? What are some possible dvantages of seeing her for one session? What are the disadvantages?


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