Reference no: EM133067899 , Length: word count:2500
CIS111-6 Intelligent Systems and Data Mining - University of Bedfordshire
Assignment Task: Data Mining Solutions for Direct Marketing Campaign
Learning outcome 1: Analyse Data Mining techniques capable of supporting practitioners to make reliable decisions which require predictive modelling, for example, in a Business scenario
Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate results of using an efficient technique which is capable of finding a solution to a given predictive problem represented by a data set
Learning outcome 3: Evaluate the accuracy of the technique in terms of differences between the predicted values and the given data
Students will develop a DM solution for saving the cost of a direct marketing campaign by reducing false positive (wasted call) and false negative (missed customer) decisions. Working on this assignment, students can consider the following scenario. A Bank has decided to save the cost of a direct marketing campaign based on phone calls offering a product to a client. A cost efficient solution is expected to support the campaign with predictions for a given client profile whether the client buys the product or not.
Examples of cost-efficient DM solutions for direct marketing are provided on the UCI Machine Learning repository describing a Bank Marketing problem.
How students will work
Each student is expected to run individual experiments to find an efficient solution and describe experimental results in an individual report. Students could work on the assignment task as: (i) a group manager, (ii) a group member, or (iii) an individual. If students will work in a group, the group manager arranges the comparison and ranking of designed solutions.
Method and Technology
To design a solution, students will use Data Mining techniques such as Decision Trees. Students are recommended to use R scripting: (i) a Cloud CoCalc, (ii) a development suite RStudio or an RStudio Cloud free for students. Other scripting languages such as Python supported e.g. by Google Colab online platform could be also used.
Project Code and Data
The assignment project code is available as an R Script. The Bank Marketing data set is available as a csv file. Other data sets (Kaggle or UCI) could also be used.
1. Follow a CoCalc tutorial to create an individual account (or install RStudio)
2. Create an R project containing the given project script and data set
3. Apply a Decision Tree technique to solve the Bank Marketing task
4. Work on scripting problems is evaluated and students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge on how to find a solution by using related manuals and google search
5. Analyse problems of designing a solution which will provide a high prediction accuracy
6. Identify a set of parameters required to be adjusted within DM techniques in order to optimise a solution in terms of prediction accuracy
7. Explain how the parameters of a DM technique influence the prediction accuracy
8. Run experiments in order to verify the solution designed on the given data set
9. Analyse and compare the results of the experiments in a group and with results known from the literature
Attachment:- Data Mining Solutions for Direct Marketing Campaign.rar