Demonstrate proficient patient assessment skills

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133541379


Provide a clear, detailed and comprehensive rationale that describes how "experiential learning" as a teaching method will meet the following learning outcomes (based on the topic medication administration) -

1. Demonstrate proficient patient assessment skills

2. Apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning in various nursing scenarios based on medication administration

3. Communicate effectively with patients, families and healthcare team

4. Display confidence and competence in performing nursing interventions

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method?

Reference no: EM133541379

Questions Cloud

Psychological condition and cultural issue : Identify three health goals that may be appropriate for Maali, including one physiological, one psychological condition and one cultural issue.
The inherent desire to deeply care for others can put nurses : The inherent desire to deeply care for others can put nurses at risk of compassion fatigue and burnout, which can also affect patients and organizations.
What are two innovations in health informatics or technology : What are two innovations in health informatics or technology that can support safe patient centered care in addressing the nursing standard
Health inequities for people with intellectual disability : Literature about health inequities for people with intellectual disability and challenges they are experiencing with their mother whilst seeking hospital care.
Demonstrate proficient patient assessment skills : Demonstrate proficient patient assessment skills. Communicate effectively with patients, families and healthcare team.
Actual implementation of teaching session with learners : Discuss technologies used in developing a teaching plan and in actual implementation of a teaching session with learners.
Which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use : Explain the circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Be specific and provide examples.
List down accreditation standards and guidelines : List down accreditation standards and guidelines that telehealth service providers have to comply with.
Individualized plan of care for patient for your patient : Individualized plan of care for your patient for your patient with cellulitis. Patient has no history of alcoholism, has never smoked, and is not diabetic.


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