Demonstrate professionalism within teams

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133015244

Mobile Development - Professional Practice in IT (PPIT)

Assignment - Hardware Interaction Pair Presentations

Topic - Camera Module

Mobile Development:

MLO 1. Evaluate, compare and select from a range of mobile application development platforms and development kits for their suitability within mobile development projects.

MLO 4. Analyse a given client brief to develop an interactive mobile application that utilises the device sensors and appropriate storage capabilities while situating the result in a user-focused design.

Professional Practice in IT:

MLO 4. Appraise various IT Governance frameworks and perform audits for resource and risk management with Information Assurance

MLO 6. Demonstrate professionalism within teams and multicultural communication in the workplace

Assessment Task

Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.

You will be assigned one topic from the following list for you and your partner to research, develop and document:
• Camera Module
• File System
• SQLite
• GPS Sensor
• Google Map API
• Microphone
• Biometrics

Once you have your topic, you will need to research how to achieve such functionality using REACT Native, and develop a small prototype project where you put this functionality in action.

• You will have to create a self-contained APK files that allows the application to be installed natively in an Android device.

• You will create a maximum 15 minute long video presentation/demonstration where you will include:
o Introduction:
» Explanation of the topic that you've been required to research.
» Assumptions you are making about the project/prototype.
» A project plan (scope and milestones).
o Resource requirements:
» Hardware needed for you to complete the project.
» Library/libraries used to complete the required functionality.
o Risk assessment:
» Key risks (performance/use related) associated with your application build.
» Risks associated to your technical skills.
o Demonstration of your prototype working.
o Advantages and disadvantages of the approach taken.
» Including other alternatives that could have been used to achieve the functionality.
o Conclusion
» A reflection on what you set out to achieve, how you implemented your plan and what you accomplished.

• You will also have to create a professional group report that includes:
o All the elements from the presentation described above.
o Citations and references where this is necessary (i.e. where you make claims or statements about technology and its performance).
o Professional structure, clear, easy to follow with coherent flow between sections.

• The full code of your prototype must be added to a public GIT repository that will be shared with the rest of the class.

Attachment:- Mobile Development.rar

Reference no: EM133015244

Questions Cloud

Recruiting from within the organization : 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting from within the organization. Identify and describe the three tools that are used in this process.
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What customer-related information needs : -Consider three of the five business processes identified in the previous question, and discuss how these business processes can be improved with information sy
Does grammar matter : After reading the chapter and watching the video "Does Grammar Matter", write a 2 page paper (not including cover or reference pages) explaining why good gramma
Demonstrate professionalism within teams : Demonstrate professionalism within teams and multicultural communication in the workplace - Hardware Interaction Pair Presentations
Discuss e-policies from an academic perspective : Information ethics govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection
Do marketers create needs : Do marketers create needs? Do they create demand? What ethical issues are relevant?
Discuss fit between a celebrity endorser : Discuss fit between a celebrity endorser and the product he or she endorses. Do you feel that there is a better fit between the Let's Move! Campaign and each of
Explain business ecosystems : Explain Business Ecosystems.


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