Reference no: EM13831742
• Assessment item
Use 6-7 Slides of Power Point Presentation
Your task is to research all you can discover about the distribution of income in Australia. Select those aspects which your group finds interesting and collate a group written (in WORD about 850 words) presentation to be handed in. You must include in your answer a discussion about what kind of business decisions could use this information. e.g. decision regarding home loans, planning for medical facilities, health care, transport or aged care.
My topic is transport.
Power Point Presentation
In addition, a brief classroom Power Point demonstration by each group is required. These presentations will be arranged by your lecturer to span a number of weeks.
This assessment task seeks to assess your ability to work co-operatively in groups on a research project and be able to
o demonstrate problem solving skills in assessing, organizing and summarizing and interpreting relevant data for decision making
o apply decision theory to business situations
It also gives you practice in presenting findings to a group of contemporaries..
Assessment Item 2 describes the standards expected where the question requirements are appropriate. It is expected that all students in an allocated group will contribute equally to the research, analysis and evaluation of information and communication of findings to fellow students.
Properly referenced and well-presented Word submission and Power Point presentation.