Demonstrate on the order of events

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132923144

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Correlation is not easily impacted by skewed or off-center data results. The nature of the data can be described by its parameters, like measures of central tendency, which inform us about the distribution of the data. Parametric tests make assumptions, such as the data are normally distributed, while non-parametric tests are called distribution-free tests because they make no assumptions about the distribution of the data. Yet even if the pattern of scores are not in a normal bell shaped curve or they don't create a direct linear relationship, correlations can still be reliable. A number of correlation measures have been developed to handle different types of data (non-parametric tests like the kendall rank, spearman rank correlation, phi correlation, biserial correlation, point-biserial correlation and gamma correlation).

1. Demonstrate on the order of events while squeezing cooling rate in the die casting process.

2. How are the Porosities eliminated in the squeeze die casting process in a step by step explanation

3. Justify; Squeeze casting is a combination of casting and forging.

4. State the advantages of squeeze casting process

5. ________ squeeze casting takes place in die casting equipment. Elaborate

6. Show the order of events that follow after the forging process as demonstrated by Direct squeeze casting process

7. Pressure incorporated in the direct die-casting is? Explain with details

8. What is the essence of the application of the pressure in the squeeze casting process is less than that of forging.

9 Squeeze casting is used for manufacturing of components of? Elaborate

10. Explain in the mechanical property of the castings while dealing with high bending strength

Reference no: EM132923144

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