Reference no: EM131241896 , Length: word count:1000
Instructions: Rhetorical Analysis
For this essay, you are asked to demonstrate your mastery of the elements of rhetorical analysis by composing one of your own. You may wish to consult EAA pages 111-119 (6th ed) or 112-117 (7th ed) and the rest of the chapter to assist you in structuring your paper.
Assignment Instructions:
Select one of the arguments posted for you in week 4 (open the "RA Options" page). There are a selection of articles for you to choose from.
Examine the author's argument in depth and write a critique (aka rhetorical analysis) of how well the argument was presented by the speaker. You will need to develop a solid thesis that clearly states how effectively the speaker argued. Stay focused on the author's skills of persuasion, not the issue's validity. Your paper will address the validity of the evidence used, any biases of the author, and what tools of persuasion and rhetoric the author used. Stay focused on the strategies the speaker uses to convince his/her audience. Your purpose here is not to analyze the issue or weigh in on it. Your personal view on the matter itself is irrelevant to this assignment.
Length: 600-1000 words
Structure: Proper essay structure is required (an intro with your thesis clearly stated, at least three body paragraphs, and a thoughtful conclusion).
Format: MLA Paper Format
Your introduction must:
- Introduce the author and the name of the work
- Provide a brief overview of the work
- Provide the author's central claim
- Have a thesis statement that provides your assessment of the work as to whether the argument is effective or not (see the example RAs provided in the Week 4 module to see how others have crafted their thesis statements).
Expectations for the body of your essay:
1. Evidence from the work must be used appropriately to back up your claims.
2. Work should be free of unnecessary summary. The author's job was to convince his audience. YOUR job is to analyze how effective he was in his efforts, not to spend your time summarizing the work. When you choose to include summary, it should work toward supporting some point that you are making.
3. Clear and concise language, appropriate to college level work must be used. The paper should be free of grammar and mechanical errors.
4. An analysis of appeals used, the impact of tone and figurative language, the presence of fallacious claims, and any biases on the part of the author should be considered and discussed as you draft your papers. You need to go beyond just pointing out the logos, pathos, and ethos in this essay.
5. An awareness of weaknesses in the argument should also be present in the analysis.
Attachment:- Article.rar
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