Reference no: EM133829558
Assignment: Health and Medical
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate knowledge of key terms and concepts from the course materials and related readings. You will need to conduct additional research in other to answer the question(s) asked. The focus of your paper is to concentrate on the ethical concerns. Time spent on any technical math or science concerns is to be kept to a minimum. Your answers must devote much of the paper to an examination of the ethical issues, theories and solutions. For this paper, you will write a paper of approximately 5 pages (approximately1,500 words) on the topic provided below related data science ethics.
For this paper, you will write a paper of approximately 5 to 7 pages on the topic provided below.
At least five additional primary reference sources must be used and appropriately cited according to the APA style guide. Cites and quotes are necessary. Appropriate reference sources include case law, scholarly research papers, articles published in academic journals or government websites, but not personal webpages or Wikipedia. Get the instant assignment help.
Description of the policy or legislation in a way that audience can be educated in this topic, Identification of the influencers with an effort to include those that are not obvious. Description of the population and/or technology impacted. Impact of the legislation or policy which is thoroughly examined. Three points to support the stance on the policy or legislation. Evidence supporting the opinion of the policy or legislation is compelling and relevant. Length of the paper should by 5 pages.
Imagine you are part of the Healthcare Information Technology Policy Professional Work Group. You have been selected to
I. Inform the organization about a pending or proposed policy or legislation (federal/state/local) that will directly/indirectly impact healthcare technology, and
II. You will the then brief the executive team using the platform you think the organization should use to lobby for or against the policy. Your platform should include background on the policy, your stance, and three reasons to support your stance. Executive team meetings are run on a tight agenda, and you only have 4 minutes to present your platform. You can argue in support of or against the policy or legislation, but your argument must be based on facts.