Demonstrate knowledge and skills in leadership

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Reference no: EM133545809

Assignment: Create a Reflection Document

Create a Reflection document following the instructions and answering of the document. Complete a Reflection Document analyzing how the assignment (Artifact: ConcofPathophys PowerPoint) demonstrates achievement of the identified.

Review the Artifact (Concofpathophys PowerPoint).

For the required artifact, you will complete a Reflection Document analyzing how the assignment demonstrates achievement of the identified PSLO/GEC/Essential.

Reflection Criteria: In the Reflection Document, begin by reviewing the three sets of standards that form the foundation of your RN to BSN program: the Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs), the General Education Competencies (GECs), and the BSN Essentials. Next, select at least one item from each of the three standard sets (PSLOs, GECs, and BSN Essentials) that correlates with the required artifact. In your reflection, do not focus on the entire course as a whole. Instead, focus your reflection on the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with creating the required course artifact. There is no maximum number of PSLOs, GECs, and BSN Essentials you must select. However, at minimum, you are required to choose one PSLO, one GEC, and one BSN Essential (along with the specific outcomes related to the BSN Essential) that relate to your course artifact. Answer the questions at the end of the Reflection Document to explain/reflect/discuss/analyze how creating the course artifact helped you to demonstrate the PSLO(s), the GEC(s) and the Essential(s) you selected.

BSN Reflection Document

Instructions for completing this document

During your progression in the RN-BSN program, you will use this process of completing and uploading a reflection and artifact in your ePortfolio. This activity is meant to demonstrate how you have achieved the Program Student Learning Outcomes, General Education Competencies, and AACN's Baccalaureate Essentials through all the work you do in each course.

Review and click in the checkbox, under each of the headings: Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO's), General Education Competencies (GEC) and the AACN Essentials. Please follow the specific instructions under each of these headings, demonstrated through your assigned course artifact. For each artifact included in your portfolio, submit one reflection form.

Note that not every artifact will cover all standards, so you may check one or multiple boxes under each of the three standards (PSLO's, GEC and AACN Baccalaureate Essentials). However, you are required to reflect on at least one of the boxes you check for each standard. Each course reflection contains nine questions except for NSG4150 where students will complete additional questions 10-17 on Art and Science courses; and, NSG 4850 where students answer questions 18-24 only and complete the program reflection section

Once you have completed the Reflection Document, please click on the "Submit" button. This will save your progress and bring you to the list of your Reflection Documents, where you can download a PDF to submit in the assignment dropbox.

NOTE: Each time that you click the "Next" button, your work is saved. If you are at a stopping point in the document, be sure to click on the "Next" button. When you return to the Reflection Document, select "Edit" to make changes or to pick up where you left off.

I. Review your assigned course artifact and check at least one of the following BSN Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO) demonstrated through your artifact:

1. Synthesize knowledge from the arts and sciences to form a foundation for the practice of professional nursing.

2. Provide holistic, culturally competent care for individuals, families, and populations through health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan and healthcare continuum.

3. Integrate professional values and behaviors when delivering standards-based nursing care to diverse patients and populations.

4. Develop leadership skills to provide and continuously improve the delivery of safe, patient-centered quality healthcare.

5. Incorporate best practices and the most current evidence when using clinical reasoning to make practice decisions.

6. Incorporate the use of information systems and technology in order to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.

7. Integrate effective communication and collaboration skills to improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes.

II. Discuss one PSLO that you are reflecting on and explain how the assigned course artifact demonstrates your progression toward achieving the PSLO you checked above. Relate two class activities that helped you achieve the selected PSLO.

III. Analyze what you have learned by completing the assigned course artifact. What areas of growth or future learning needs must be met to meet the PSLO(s) for your baccalaureate education?

IV. Review the assigned course artifact and check at least one of the following General Education Competencies (GEC) demonstrated through your artifact:

1. Cultural Competence: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of philosophies that represent social, emotional, and behavioral attributes of society and individuals.

2. Communication: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of the views of others and communicate in a professional manner.

3. Critical Thinking: Learners will demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions based on evidence and consider prior knowledge, context, and perspectives in predicting implications or consequences.

4. Information Literacy: Learners will demonstrate the ability to identify, evaluate and apply information to accomplish a specific purpose.

5. Quantitative Literacy: Learners will demonstrate the ability to report, calculate, and analyze quantitative date.

6. Scientific Literacy: Learners will gain the ability to read with understanding scientific content and engage in a dialogue about scientific issues.

V. Select one GEC and reflect on it by making specific reference to the course and your artifact as you explain how the assigned course artifact demonstrates your progression toward achieving the GEC you checked above. Relate two class activities that helped you achieve the selected GEC.

VI. Review the assigned course artifact and check at least one standard listed under the nine BSN Essentials demonstrated through your artifact (only one standard under one BSN essential is required to be selected):

Essential A: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice.

1. Physical, natural, life science, math, social sciences.
2. Fine art, performing art, humanities

Essential B: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety.

1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in leadership.
2. Describe quality improvement.
3. Advocate for patient safety.
4. Demonstrate caring, effective communication with all constituents.
5. Describe and navigate in complex organizational systems.

Essential C: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice (Professional nursing practice is grounded in the translation of current evidence into one's practice).

1. Provide evidence-based nursing interventions.
2. Delineate interrelationships among theory, practice, research.
3. Describe the elements of the research process and application.
4. Advocate for protection of human subjects.
5. Evaluate credibility of information.
6. Participate in retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence.

Essential D: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology.

1. Understand information management and the impact upon patient outcomes.
2. Employ a variety of patient care technologies.
3. Demonstrate effectiveness in telecommunication technologies.
4. Apply decision-making tools to support safe practice.
5. Use CIS systems to document interventions and improve patient outcomes.
6. Evaluate data to inform the delivery of care.
7. Maintain ethical standards related to data and patient rights.
8. Participate in evaluation of information systems.

Essential E: Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

1. Understand healthcare policies and financial implications.
2. Explore regulatory environments and the impact on healthcare.
3. Understand global trends.
4. Be familiar with legislative and regulatory process in healthcare.
5. Explore socio-cultural, economic, legal influence on practice.
6. Describe role of regulatory agencies and impact on patient outcome, quality, and practice.
7. Discuss healthcare policy related to access, equity, affordability, and social justice.
8. Use an ethical framework to evaluate healthcare policies.
9. Participate in political processes that influence healthcare policy.

Essential F: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Care Outcomes

1. Understand multi-disciplinary roles of the healthcare team.
2. Employ effective communication to resolve conflict, foster teamwork.
3. Advocate for high quality care as a member of the healthcare team.

Essential G: Clinical Prevention and Population Health.

1. Assess protective and predictive factors, including genetics, which influence health.
2. Assess health from a holistic perspective, including values, attitudes of families, groups, communities, and populations.
3. Promote health, manage illness.
4. Use EBP to guide health teaching, screening, and counseling, throughout lifespan.
5. Assess health, healthcare, and emergency preparedness needs of a defined population.
6. Develop an intervention plan that considers health, resources, prevention of illness, injury, disability, and premature death.
7. Participate in prevention and population-focused interventions related to effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and equity.
8. Advocate for social justice, including health of vulnerable populations.

Essential H: Professionalism and Professional Values

1. Demonstrate professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.
2. Exhibit accountability, role modeling professional values, professionalism, and integrity.
3. Identify personal, professional, and environmental risks that impact personal and professional choices.
4. Examine practice for promotion of social justice.
5. Articulate value of professional growth and development and lifelong learning.
6. Protect patient privacy and confidentiality.

Essential I: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice.

1. Demonstrate caring and health techniques that promote a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship.
2. Conduct assessment across populations and lifespan.
3. Recognize constructs of genetics on health, prevention, screening, diagnostics, prognostics, treat.
4. Provide holistic care across the lifespan.
5. Communicate effectively with patients, families, and healthcare team.
6. Provide compassionate, patient-centered, evidence-based care.
7. Provide nursing care based on evidence that contributes to safe and high-quality patient outcomes.

VII. Select one of the BSN Essentials you have chosen and reflect on the relationship between the essential chosen, your learning, and the course artifact. Relate two class activities that helped you achieve the selected BSN Essential.

VIII. Describe what you have learned by completing the assigned course artifact. What areas of growth or future learning needs must be met to meet all of the program learning outcomes for your baccalaureate education?

IX. Describe how your learning and achievement of these standards will impact your future role as a BSN nurse.

Reference no: EM133545809

Questions Cloud

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