Demonstrate investment portfolio

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13837265 , Length:

Assessment Type: Case Study - individual assessment

Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of the various investment solutions available to suit real world situations, identifying the most appropriate investment options for given sets of circumstances. This assessment will reflect the advice that would be expected from students when working in a modern accountancy practice. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d.

Topic: An Investment Portfolio - the specific scenario will be allocated.

Task Details: Based on the circumstances provided, students will be required to analyse a range of potential solutions, and make recommendations for the most appropriate investment portfolio elements. Students need to apply their own interpretation and judgement to the analysis, based on approved and valid research (see research Requirements below). Students who simply regurgitate their answers from the textbook or lecture notes risk failing the assignment.

Research Requirements - students are expected to support their analysis and recommendations with at least 6 suitable references, including the text and a MINIMUM of 3 texts and/or academic journal articles. Other appropriate industry-valid sources should also be used.

Presentation: 2000 + 10% words in short Report format. The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables).

Students need to stay within the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. Marks will be reduced for assignments shorter than or greater than the minimum word count.

Every page should be clearly numbered.

(a) A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, your full name and KOI student number, word count & Lecturer's name.

(b) A Lecturer's Marks and Comments Page - see Assignment topic advice in Week 3.

(c) Executive Summary

(d) Table of Contents

(e) Body (main contents)

- Introduction,

- Analysis - this will be the major part of your Assignment and may require a number of numbered sub-sections,

- Recommendations - if any, and


Your topic is:

"Alternative Investment Classes and their Role in Investment Portfolios"

You are required to describe, with examples, a selection of seven (7) alternative investments which are generally available on capital and other markets, the expected / realized returns and risks of each, and to consider how they are used in constructing and hedging investment portfolios.

Details of the Assignment requirements, suggested points for detailed examination and penalties for late lodgment are in the Subject Outline.

You are required to complete this essay individually (no groups).

Reference no: EM13837265

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