Demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131564909

One of my subjects this teaching period is an Industry Consultancy Project. There are a number of team based and individual assignments to be undertaken. One assignment requires the formulation of a smart personal learning development goal which will be used to define what aspects of my skills and knowledge I intend to develop through completion of the consultancy activity and more broadly the subject and why. If I use the development of presentation skills as an example, is the below smart goal specific enough?

"By the end of teaching period 3, I will develop and demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills by using on-line presentation resources and actively partiicipate in all of Team Ones SKYPE collaboration sessions thereby increasing my confidence and ability to present sales briefs to clients."

Reference no: EM131564909

Questions Cloud

Type of healthcare policy at the federal or state level : Identify one type of healthcare policy at the Federal or state level.
What are basic reasons that people resist change : 1. What are basic reasons that people resist change? How can this resistance be overcome?
Evaluate the influence an organizations strategic plan has : Evaluate the influence an organization's strategic plan has on its performance management program. Are there other variables, outside the strategic plan.
Compare the concepts of ethics coming from the top : Explain the concepts of intrinsic and instrumental values, and provide at least two (2) examples that illustrate how each set of values is crucial .
Demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills : By the end of teaching period 3, I will develop and demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills by using on-line presentation resources and actively.
What is multicultural education : What is multicultural education. What are some processes for developing cultural identity
Designing business documents : You work in the human resources department of a nationwide retailer. You are responsible for designing business documents within your department.
What are benefits of globalization for the average person : What are the benefits of globalization for the average person? What are other examples of the impact of globalization on human rights?
Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction : Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction of the court in each case. Provide two (2) examples of jurisdiction choice to support your rationale.


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