Demonstrate how you would assist ivan to get settled

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Reference no: EM133511339

Mr Ivan Jones, 82 years old, is admitted in your aged care facility this morning from his independent living setting. The referral letter from his physician reveals that he has the following medical history: - Hypertension maintained at around 130/90 mm of Hg with Captopril and dietary management, Diabetes mellitus on medication management and diet control, Myocardial infarction, Hemiparesis of the left side of the body following a stroke in 2013 and had three (3) falls last month with mild to moderate muscular injuries and bruises. Due to increased falls at home and risk in doing self-medication, Ivan has been suggested to move to a residential care facility. Ivan is now in the visitorâ€TMs room with his daughter, Ms Colleen Jones. The Registered Nurse asked you to assist Ivan with the transition from his home to the new residential setting.

Ivan appears anxious but is responding to RNs questions appropriately. He is lean and tall and is properly dressed. He walks with his zimmer frame at home and needs his daughter to help him with this. He uses a wheelchair for outdoor. Ivan has partial hearing impairment and uses hearing aids in his left ear. He uses reading glasses. He also has upper partial dentures insitu and tolerates diabetic diet, texture modified to a soft diet. Easy to swallow. Till now the daughter was helping him with his personal hygiene, shopping and home chores. He smokes 4 cigarettes per day.

Question 1: Demonstrate how you would assist Ivan to get settled in his room.

Question 2: Demonstrate how you would communicate with Ivan and Colleen and attend to the psychosocial needs related to the transition.

Question 3: After getting settled in his room, Ivan asked whether it is necessary for him to be in residential aged care. He wishes to go back to his independent living setting. Colleen is also concerned, but she is unsure of what needs to be done as she is worried about her fatherâ€TMs health and recent falls. Discuss with Ivan and Colleen the implications of his admission into the aged care facility.

Question 4: Ivan wishes to stop smoking, but requests support as he could not successfully quit smoking in previous attempts by himself. Provide relevant information on available community services for Ivan in relation to controlling his smoking habit.

Reference no: EM133511339

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