Reference no: EM133775875 , Length: word count:1200
Case Study - In this assessment task, you will not be able to meet the learning outcomes related to the development of writing skills and text analysis by using generative artificial intelligence (Al) tools. Working with another person or technology in order to gain an unfair advantage in assessment or improperly obtaining answers from a third party including generative Al to questions in an examination or other form of assessment may lead to sanctions under the Student Misconduct Rule. Use of generative Al tools may be detected. More information is available on the Library web page.
Aim of the Assessment
This assessment is an opportunity to demonstrate how you will provide person-centred care in one stage during the lifespan. Every nurse and midwife must be able to understand the specific needs of a person/woman and develop a care plan based on those needs. This analysis of a case will enable you to develop an understanding of how a person-centred care plan is constructed from the information given to you by the person.
There are three (3) case studies and each student will select one (1) case study to analyse by completing the following questions:
1, What is the person's primary concern? How has this affected their life and relationships with their family, friends and community?
What is the person's stage in the lifespan? According to Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, what challenge is the person facing? Discuss how the person is navigating this challenge.
What could enable and prevent the person from navigating ways to resolve their concern?
How will you as a nurse or midwife assist the person to find person-centred solutions to their dilemma?
Case Studies:
Case study 1:
Ivy is 13 years old and is in year 7 and recently started at a selective all girls' high school that regularly comes in the top 10 schools for the highest HS C results. She has just started her first period and as her mother is helping her manage this, she says: 1 hate my body! This should not be happening to me!'
ivy's mother says: -Don't say that, this means that you will be a mother and have a beautiful baby"
Ivy replies: "Honestly, don't you listen! I have been telling you I'm not interested in children because I am going to be an aeronautical engineer and, by the way, my name is Andir
Andi decides to make a few decisions of their own. Although their school uniform allows them to wear trousers and a polo top, Andi is starting to look increasingly non-binary. They hate the way the girls at school stare at them and talk behind their back. Others are more open in their comments about Andi's appearance. As a result, Andi makes a decision to not go to school until they are allowed to enrol in the local comprehensive co-ed high school. However, this causes a great deal of family conflict and Andi's father leaves the family home saying: "I will not come back until all this rubbish is sorted out."
He tells Andi that her name is Ivy and she is a beautiful girl, and that changing from the selective all-girls school to the local co-ed school will be the biggest mistake ever made.
Andi finds their mother crying not long after their father leaves. And when asked what is wrong, their mother says: "I know that you are trying a new identity and you believe this is right for you but it has caused so many problems in our family."
Andi blames themself for all the family's problems and considers living as Ivy, but they know they cannot do that. However, this is so difficult and painful that Andi starts to self-harm. One day Andi's mother finds them bleeding from the left forearm after they had cut themself with a razor blade, After Andi's mother applies basic first aid, they are taken to the Emergency Department where you as the nurse are caring for Andi. When you ask why they are here, Andi replies: "Because nobody lets me be who I truly am and I am not sure I can keep living like this."
Case Study 2:
Saarah is 21 years old and arrived in Sydney three years ago from Syria on a humanitarian visa. Her mother arranged for her to marry !frail, the son of a neighbour in their town in Syria who had immigrated to Australia just before the civil war in Syria commenced.
It was very hard for Saarah to adjust to married life because she only met her husband three days before their wedding but she now realises that he is a kind man who can look after her and their children. This is very important to her as she remembers how difficult it was to grow up while there was a war in Syria.
Saarah is now 4 months pregnant with her second child. Her daughter, Zairah, is almost two years old but Saarah found the birth difficult as she did not really understand what was happening to her when she commenced labour. She is now very scared of giving birth to another baby, When she arrived for her booking in appointment with Zairah and no-one else, the midwife, Louise, asks: "Is there someone with you?"
Saarah just nods and smiles, without answering the question verbally. Louise asks her how she is and again Saarah just smiles. Louise realises that Saarah might not speak English and speaks to her team leader who contacts the interpreters. Luckily there is an Arabian interpreter available for a telephone consultation.
Louise starts the interview again, looking directly at Saarah and asks: Is there someone with you?"
After this is translated by the interpreter. Saarah replies that she only has her husband in Sydney, both their families are still in Syria. Her husband could not come today because he is working. With the help of the interpreter. Louise is able to do a full assessment and finds out that Saarah had many difficulties with her last pregnancy, she felt very nauseated and tired all the time. The only information she was given about pregnancy and birth was written in brochures in Arabic but the war had disrupted her education so much that she has difficulty reading, She is so ashamed of this, she has never told her husband as she is concerned he will just throw her out for being so ignorant. Saarah is so worried about having another baby, she is no longer sleeping or eating. She says she has no one to talk to about this and although her husband tries to help with Zairah, he works so much that he really isn't at home until Zairah is ready for bed.
Case Study 3:
Robert is 82 years old and has lived with his partner. Jim (aged 85 years) for 52 years. They meet when they were both working for the same accounting firm but because this was a time when homosexuality was against the law, they had to hide their relationship from their families, friends and other people in their community. However, Robert says that the happiest day of his life was when he and Jim married in 2018 in front of all their family and friends when Same Sex Marriage was legalised.
Now Robert has been Jim's carer for the last 3 years since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer 's disease. When Robert and Jim first learned of this diagnosis, they made a decision together that they would maintain their independence and stay in their own double storey home for as long as possible. However. Robert is finding that caring for Jim is becoming increasingly difficult as his memory deteriorates and that he needs 24-hour supervision and assistance with all activities of daily living. Robert is becoming frail and has a right lower leg ulcer that is not healing despite regular dressings changes at the GP clinic, and he is increasingly distressed by his situation. He can no longer participate in the activities he loves. such as his weekly bridge afternoons and the occasional golf game.
Robert is hoping to find an aged care facility that will accept both of them together and provide the appropriate care for Jim. However, he finds that many facilities are relucent to accept them together as other residents may not want a gay couple moving in with them. Robert has been looking for an LGBTl0-i- facility but there is nothing available at present. Robert says that he is beside himself with worry and believes that he is letting Jim down.
This assessment is to be presented in an essay format with an introduction, middle and conclusion (please see the PCALS Resource Book to guide you in developing your assessment).
The assessment is to be written using correct sentence structure, spelling, grammar and appropriate choices of vocabulary.
),You need to ensure that your answers are based on high quality evidence found in current literature (that is literature published in high quality nursing journals found in CINAHL and Ch.. vas- refer to Module 1)- check with a librarian if you are unsure how to access eithINAFIL or Medline databases.
Your references should e:
Current (published in the last five years).
Reliable (from a reliable source such as a peer-reviewed journal, text-book, government or recognised Nursing and Midwifery website).
Valid (the article makes sense, provides evidence and includes scholarly references).
4 Objective (well supported, unbiased information),
5 Accurate (based on accurate facts with reliable statistics)