Reference no: EM131877041
Learning Outcomes Portfolio
For your final assignment in this course, reflect on your experiences in this course and at Grantham so far. Think about the ways your coursework has helped to make you a stronger, better informed individual, and what rights and responsibilities come along with that growth.
When you arrived at Grantham University and as you progressed through your general education courses you were presented with the University Learning Outcomes.
Using your reflection journals as a springboard, write a 2-3 page reflection paper addressing the following questions.
• How would you describe to an employer the five learning outcomes of Grantham University? Argue why each is important.
• With specific examples, demonstrate how you have experienced and developed the skills associated with these learning outcomes in your general education courses at Grantham.
• With specific examples, demonstrate how you have experienced and developed the skills associated with these learning outcomes in GU299 - The General Education Capstone.
• Explain how the skills associated with the Grantham University learning outcomes directly related to your career goals and how the skills associated with the learning outcomes can support the objectives and goals of a potential employer.
• Conclude with a brief, personal mission statement capturing your values and goals. Discuss your specific your plans and specific next steps you wish to take to achieve your career goals.
You must incorporate at least two to three peer reviewed research article to support your ideas and claims in this reflection paper.