Reference no: EM133134760
We are excited that you are exploring an entrepreneurial journey, one that may lead you to launch a business while in college, after graduation, or at some future point in your life. These thoughts may focus on a new venture that you might be interested in creating, or they may focus ideas on how to launch an entrepreneurial career.
Entrepreneurial activity in the United States now accounts for much of the nation's prosperity and its competitiveness in the global economy. The disappearance of ‘‘old'' jobs, particularly in mature manufacturing industries, and their replacement by ‘‘new'' jobs, especially in service and knowledge-based industries, is disconcerting to workers whose jobs are threatened. But society has to accept churning-the creation of new enterprises and the destruction of obsolete ones-because it gives the U.S. economy its vitality.
1. What do you think will be the next major innovation (like, e.g., the Internet, iPhone, Uber, Skype, Netflix, etc.) that changes the way we work and play? Search the Web to identify new emerging trends, statistics, articles, and other evidence to support your insight.
(Hint: Venture capitalists in the United States have a knack for spotting emergent industries. Look what Apple did with its smart technology ecosystem.). Think "Industry Disruption"!
2. Why would you invest in said innovation? Support your answer with both quantitative and qualitative reasoning.
Stanley lynch organization structure
: Give an example of differentiation in Stanley Lynch's organization structure and an example of integration in this structure.
The Honolulu Elevated Rail Project
: Why are public works projects like the Honolulu Rail project nearly impossible to stop once they have been approved, even if later cost estimates skyrocket?
Company experiences with mergers-acquisitions and alliances
: Describe this company's experiences with mergers/acquisitions and alliances? Did the merger/acquisition and/or alliance create or destroy value?
Different strategies with different cultures
: We learned about motivational strategies and why to use different strategies with different cultures.
Demonstrate how to generate business opportunities
: What do you think will be the next major innovation (like, e.g., the Internet, iPhone, Uber, Skype, Netflix, etc.) that changes the way we work and play?
Business target market
: We need to make research about India as a business target market.
Legal-safety and regulatory requirements
: Write a paper that examines the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resources process.
About the potential wage level
: What does this parity say about the potential standard of living in the country you chose? What does it say about the potential wage level?
Shift affected economic well-being locally
: How has this shift affected economic well-being locally? How do the gains compare to the losses?