Demonstrate how physical disk drives are managed

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131683606


Based on your Week Five Learning Team Collaboration discussion, write a 1- to 2-page technical document on security and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 for Wadley, Inc. This will become part of the final installation, configuration, and support plan for Wadley.

Include the following:

• Policies to be used to by Wadley, Inc. to secure the servers
• Explanation of ongoing monitoring and management expectations

Compile your technical documents from the previous assignments along with the new topics for Week Five into your 4- to 8-page support plan for Wadley, Inc. Be sure to incorporate your instructors' feedback.

Include the following:

• From your Week Two Assignment:

o Installation of Windows Server 2012
o Installation and configuration of Active Directory

- Explain the schema and global catalog
- Outline the creation of users, organizational units and security groups for all departments

o Installation and management of printers

• From your Week Three Assignment

o Disk management

- Explain the physical disk drive options
- Demonstrate how physical disk drives are managed
- Outline a plan for redundancy and backups

o Utilization of Group Policy

• From your Week Four Assignment

o Installation and configuration of DNS and DHCP
o Recommendations for utilizing Hyper-V
o Overview of how services work under Windows Server 2012

• From your Week Five Assignment

o Security and monitoring of Windows Server 2012

- Demonstrate the various ways to secure a server installation
- Explain ongoing monitoring and management of a server installation

Format according to APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131683606

Questions Cloud

Discuss the nature of hurricanes : Discuss the nature of Hurricanes and how it applies to the earth's weather
Research the types of software used in the industry : Technology in Publishing You have been hired to select employees for the IT (information technology) department in a start-up publishing company.
Advantages of having an unwritten constitution like in uk : Are there any advantages of having an unwritten Constitution like in the UK? Please thoroughly discuss. Each of the 3 questions above should be addressed.
Discuss cultural landscape and cultural ecology : except that your material will be presented in a more visual medium. As such, you will have to distill your main points down to a fairly small amount of text
Demonstrate how physical disk drives are managed : Demonstrate how physical disk drives are managed. Recommendations for utilizing Hyper-V. Overview of how services work under Windows Server 2012.
Define steps for the case of system pasword : System Password You started working at a company to replace someone who has just been terminated. When you turn on your computer.
What is the impact of the deposit on the agreement : What common law relates to this? What is the impact of the deposit on the agreement?
Which issue you believe poses the greatest challenge : Explain which issue you believe poses the greatest challenge and discuss a strategy that could be leveraged to deal with this issue.
System of justice currently in place in saudi arabia : The purpose of the County in Focus paper is to introduce you to the criminal justice system in different countries. This week we are focusing on Saudi Arabia.


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